forum What’s the most dangerous situation you’ve been in?
Started by @Darkblossom group

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@Darkblossom group

So, today my older brother was driving me to dance class and accidentally hit a car that was pulling out in front of him. I am now extremely thankful seatbelts exist. No one got hurt, thankfully, but both cars are dented, though I think my car is a little better at least from the outside. Have any of you been in a car accident or something similar?

@Starfast group

I've been in a car accident before. My mom was turning left and another car came seemingly out of nowhere and t boned us. No one was hurt but our car was destroyed.

I don't even think that was the most dangerous situation I was in though. A few years ago, I was at a horse show and I was warming up my horse before our class. We were about to turn towards this small jump when my horse tripped. I fell forward over her shoulder, and since we were going pretty fast my horse couldn't stop and she just kept running right over top of me.
Paramedics showed up and I was brought to the trauma ward. At this point, everyone thought that I'd broken my femur (including the doctors and paramedics). They did some X-rays and a CT scan and found that everything was actually fine. I needed to get stitches in my leg where I'd somehow been cut by my horse's hoof. Other than that, I had bruises on my arm, chest and leg where I'd been kicked (my entire chest was basically one giant bruise) and I was limping for a few days.
We were back at another horse show like 2 weeks later.

@HighPockets group

Okay I have three:

  • When I was 9 and a dumbass I tried to swim under a wide inflateable. I got caught under it and very nearly drowned, I barely got out in time.
  • When I was 13, my dad and I were driving back from Goodwill, if we had happened to leave any later than we did, we would have been caught in a tornado.
  • When I was 14, my friend and a teacher of mine were driving back from Home Depot after getting some wood. Someone cut in front of us from a lane over and we almost crashed, and due to the position of the wood in the car, all three of us would have ended up in the hospital if we'd been hit. The scariest thing is that the rest of my team was at school and they wouldn't have even found out if we had crashed.

Deleted user

There was an armed robbery at a store not even three minutes away from my house, walking distance.

Deleted user

Yeah, and I was at school, which was less than ten minutes away from the store.


Okay, so:

  • I've been in a car crash, but no one was hurt luckily.
  • Once, I was swimming in a river and I crossed it, thinking it wouldn't get much deeper than it was so I could walk and not get swept away by the currents. I took one step forward, and the ground was gone beneath my feet. I had to fight against the current to get to the other side because I could not turn back, and the only thing for me to hold onto on the other side was blackberry bush vines. Eventually, me and a dumb guy who followed me across got around the corner of the river where the current was less strong.
  • When I was younger, my family would visit my grandparents' farm, where they had quads (pretty much four-wheeled dirtbikes). All of us kids would drive them around the farm, and me, being an idiot, was heading straight towards a tree once, and instead of turning or breaking I just rammed into it. Multiple people watched me do this. They still make fun of me.
  • Not that dangerous, but I fell from the top of one of these things flat on my face onto a blacktop. I broke my nose (the only one out of all of these that I got more seriously hurt).

@Starfast group

But you seem to be pretty lucky not to have broken anything, so that’s good!

Yeah, I was very lucky. I've heard of people having similar falls and coming out with TBIs and other really serious injuries.
The one thing that I find kind of interesting about everything is that apparently it's bad luck to change your horse's show name. The show where that happened was the first time I was showing my horse with a new show name. But after that one show, we went on to have one of the best show seasons that we've ever had. We even ranked 4th and 1st provincially in two events. So, do whatever you want with that information I guess.

The other thing is that I changed my horse's show name to Divine Intervention, which seems kinda fitting given the circumstances.

@Mojack group

I got stuck under a platform while swimming at a beach and was stuck in the water. I panicked, but not as much as I thought I would, and there were people around me so I was a bit lucky.

Another time (a few years later) at the same beach there was a thunderstorm and we were all out on the water and lightning started to strike. A few minutes later, we were inside the camp house, and boy, one of the strikes was so close and the thunder that came RIGHT after it was so loud.

Another time I fell down the stairs last year. A wrong fall in the wrong position and it could’ve been worse, but luckily I escaped with sore knees, a broken arm, two broken teeth and a broken phone (which was the least of my worries.) no one saw me fall either, but a teacher saw me getting up and took me to the office where since my mum was a teacher at the school she was able to come get me. Recovery was good but hard not being able to carry your backpack properly. I still get knee pains every now and then but not as bad.

Not sure if this counts, but Pneumonia is described as a pretty threatening and deadly sickness, and I’ve had it 4-6 times, but my first time was my worst. I remember not being able to focus in class and just having a hard time breathing in general because of all the phlegm.