forum What's the big hype about boy bands?
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Deleted user

Okay, call me arrogant and say I don't understand life but seriously, I hate boy bands! Why are so many people into Panic!At The Disco or Fallout Boy or My Chemical Romance? I'm a fan of music like Chenille Sisters or Indigo Girls, their songs are brilliant and motivating and such, but why all boy bands? Seriously, it's a little old fashioned. And before you go ranting about how female bands have taken the lead or that crap, take note that all of history has been pushing women away from center stage. Up until way into the Renaissance, men always played women's parts in plays, and fat chance a woman would get a chance to do any form of entertainment. Okay rant over now.

Deleted user

Well, just because they're boys doesn't mean they don't make good songs and music………I LOVE P!ATD! They're songs are sooooooooo good.

Deleted user

Listen, their songs are trash. I seriously dislike them. Don't judge.

Deleted user

They're not Trash! Seriously though, what do you think High Hopes are about? One, it is groovy and two, it's motivating, don't look down on all boys. That's just sexism.


If there is a coed group what is your opinion on that? Your statement implies you don't like groups with boys in them yet you love groups with girls. The quality of the music has nothing to do with gender. The song my sound different because of vocal range but that doesn't mean you can make a blanket statement of saying that only girl groups have deep meaningful lyrics. I can name plenty of boy groups with deep meaningful lyrics


I don't get this. Just because a group is all boys doesn't mean it's sexist to enjoy their music. You can support multiple artists according to what type of music you like and how talented they are. It shouldn't have a thing to do with gender unless the band members themselves are actively sexist or sing about sexist topics.


The song has to do with lyrics and how it sounds nothing to do with what gender sings it, saying that is making you sexist. @Impossible_Girl

Deleted user

Well the most popular bands are really stupid. I mean, I like Gungor, their music is okay, brilliant in fact, I just genuinely don't understand why bands like Fallout Boy are such a big deal! I prefer classical music either way. I'm not sexist for wondering why people actually like stuff like that. I mean, I'm fine with bands like Simply Three or 2Cellos, and I really like songs by U2, which last I check was an all-male band, but I guess I should have clarified that I meant the more popular ones like P!ATD or My Chemical Romance, etc.

Deleted user

The song has to do with lyrics and how it sounds nothing to do with what gender sings it, saying that is making you sexist. @Impossible_Girl

Okay, no offense but please don't call me sexist. I just really dislike some of the more popular all-male bands. I'm allowed to not like certain music, and really enjoy others.


Okay, call me arrogant and say I don't understand life but seriously, I hate boy bands! Why are so many people into Panic!At The Disco or Fallout Boy or My Chemical Romance?

The thing about this is… All the bands you listed are emo bands, not boybands, so it might be that you know many emo kids


Okay…but if you can ask why people like them, I say we can question why you don't. What you were saying sounded a bit, if not sexist, then slightly confusing.

To be clear, I don't like Panic! or Fall out Boy, but I understand that people have different tastes than me and that doesn't make their music trash. That's…just weird.

Deleted user

I just really dislike their music. Listen, I'm totally fine if you like it, it's just that their music is very violent and loud, both of which I don't like. Let me listen to my Carmen Suite No. 2 in peace, 'kay?


There are plenty of groups and stuff I don't like but I just ignore it and more on. Or if they are one of my best friends I will talk about it with them and why they like it. You can't just go and say you don't like something without hearing what other people say. So why don't you like boy groups?

Deleted user

Because everyone I know plays those songs constantly. c0NstAnt1Y!!! I hate it! It gets annoying after the first five seconds.


I agree with @writelikeyourerunningoutoftime
It maybe doesn't make sense to discuss about music since it's so subjective and neither P!ATD nor FOB nor MCR have done anything offensive


Because everyone I know plays those songs constantly. c0NstAnt1Y!!! I hate it! It gets annoying after the first five seconds.

You just know many emo kids, fren, emo isn't really that popular


Just calm down, and listen to your classical music with earphones c: some need violent and loud music to feel rebellious or just to cancel out the world around them and/or their thoughts


I rarely hear P!ATD or FOB or MCR. I normaly hear tons of girl groups, then again I don't listen to the radio much, and choose my my music and listen to whatever songs my friends are playing. But when I do listen to the radio, I hear a ton of solos, stil at least 50% are female

Deleted user

I just really dislike their music. Listen, I'm totally fine if you like it, it's just that their music is very violent and loud, both of which I don't like. Let me listen to my Carmen Suite No. 2 in peace, 'kay?

P!ATD isn't violent?????

Deleted user

Its actually really motivating and well its good to dance too.


P!ATD isn't violent?????

Well, it's rock, so the music can be seen as violent if you're only listening to soft music, like classical