forum What's A Weird/Interesting/Strange/All of the Above Dream That You've Had?
Started by @flora.books

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Heyo so I'm looking for some story ideas and I had a really weird dream once so I was like 'hey I could base a story off of that' but I'm looking for more ideas so describe some weird/interesting dreams you've had, please!


i was swimming near a cliff with no beach a women swam up to me begging me to try and find her son i saw a hand sticking out of the water so i swam over as i reached the hand i slipped under the water so i reached under the water and my hand pulled up a little girl by her red pig tails i shock i dropped her hair i sunk under the water and saw evenly spaced little explosion waste but instead of shrapnel or anything else it was remains and i could tell that it was childrens as far as you can see it was terrifying


Challenge accepted. Is it okay if I give multiple?

So it was a school day. Everything was like a black and white movie, but brown and white. I had classes like I would normally. I was walking through the halls and kept hearing the same name in various conversations. Everyone in school was talking about this guy named Bob. I had no idea who he was.

There was recess (despite being too old for it), but my friend and I had to keep stuff away before going outside. By the time we got outside, everyone was coming back in. After another class, it was lunch. We were allowed to leave campus and I went to this bird/gift shop. There were colors other than brown and white. I got a purple crystal charm.

I had to return back to school, and everything turned brown and white again. I had music class, but it was in a separate building. I went there and saw my other friend. We rehashed what we did during that lunch period, and we apparently were both at the same shop.

After that class we had to go outside again. It had rained and there were multiple large puddles. My friend and I had to hold hands and help each other across. His hands were really warm. When we held hands, everything turned pink. Teachers were calling us back inside. We continued holding hands as we walked back. We reached the rest of our classmates and released hands.

Then this plane landed in the courtyard. Out came this guy, named Bob, and he ranted about how walnuts are bad for you. The teachers just told us to ignore him and had us go inside. I woke up around here.


So, it starts with me. I wake up in this abandoned warehouse on a mattress on the floor, next to a bunch of people of different ages, I hear two voices talking, and I hide behind some crates and investigate, one voice, a raspy one, was talking to a young child, asking it questions. So I peek to where they're coming from, and I see a young child, as I predicted, but it was talking to this catlike creature, that looked like what would happen if a slightly deformed cat got a creepypasta makeover, and did every drug imaginable. I heard stirring behind me, and This woman saw the kid with this thing, and she screamed at it to get away. It pounced on the kid, and I ran over to get it off, and the minute I grabbed it, it turned around and tried to attack me, y'know, it was cursing and spitting like hell. In the end, after a bit of a scuffle, I killed it by pinning it down, stepping on it's tail, and right hind paw, and pulling it's head off with my bare hands as it tore at my shin, (it wasn't like the movies, things came out with it. So I catch up to them, these people who'd run, and I asked them what went on, and they told me that this cat thing, just came after them, I asked them why, and they said it had told them this…
"I don't need a why, I don't need a purpose, I do what I so, because I fund it amusing."
So I ran with them a while, until I got home, and I found out, that everyone in my house was missing. So I just ran, and ran, til' I found a farm, then I got a hold of myself and thought, "why don't you call the cops" but I'd left my phone, so I went in the place, to find that it was dark, I went to the phone, and it didn't pick up. And I heard that raspy voice say…
"Power's out…" I won't go too into detail about our conversation, but I fought this thing, in the dark, and it tore my ass up until I got a frying pan, and whapped it over the head, finished it with a butcher-knife, and burned the remains in the oven.
I found those same people as before sometime after I left the house, but I'm not going to go into detail, I'm just going to say that, I killed this thing a few more times, and ended it by destroying the remains in the best way I could think of, emptying them into a very small strongbox, digging a deep hole, tying the box up with rope and duct tape, and burying it.
In the end I found out that my family was alive, bit also that the people in that farmhouse had been "mysteriously" slaughtered, and my DNA was all over that house, I had the family vouch for me that it wasn't my fault to my family. And I left.

Sounds like a long, scary-ass dream right, but it happened during a 30-minute catnap in the sun.


I want to say, that I in no way, condone animal abuse.

And it wasn't just a regular cat, it was an immortal, sadistic, masochistic, nasty, and ugly little creature that looked bit like one, though.


Wow, you guys remember dreams so well. When I tell stories about my dreams it’s alaays filled with “somethings” and “stuffs” and “maybes.” Also, this isn’t really a super strange dream, but it’s one I had recently and I want to share it. Side note, my dreams are always divided into parts, like it’s all the same dream but different smaller dreams inside.

The first thing I remember was me hiding in this room with a bunch of other people around my age. I knew them in this dream but not in real life. Then this evil guy came in and everyone went crazy and was trying to get out of the room. I feel like the room was underground and we were hiding in beans. Anyways, this evil dude was about to murder the heck out of me, so I quickly told him that I’d work for him and spy on all the peeps I was hiding with and report back to him. So he said ok and we went to this place that I don’t remember. There might’ve been something about a kitchen?? And an escalator?? After this, I went back to the hiding place and everyone was in their pods, then I opened one up to reveal the person and they all starting freaking out and running away. I stopped them and told them that I lied to the evil guy and that’d I had inside intel and I’d help them do something. Of course after that I reported everything they did to the bad guy. I had both sides trusting me, but I was really on neither. I can’t remember the rest of my dream, but this was fun to write down.


This will probably traumatize someone but I'd like to share a nightmare I've had. I was about maybe 4 years old which is usually the time where children struggle to say what they mean and it gets frustrating. Within this dream, I had a little sister and my mother was looking after us but she got angry at me and my sister for being complicated so she locked us up within a closet and let us starve. Just when we were on the brink of death, she pulled us out and taking my little sister first she chopped off her limbs but my sister was still alive even though she only had a torso and a head. Then she chopped off my right arm and my left leg(FMA anyone aha) and I desperately wanted to escape her. The house started to rot and blood was everywhere as me and my sister would try to move about with blood constantly draining from us. But no matter what, we were still alive. It was torture, and never did I once wonder where the rest of my family was(I have 3 other siblings, and a dad). I felt helpless because I couldn't really speak(I grew up struggling with speech around that age) and my little sister was only maybe a year old. Finally, when I was desperate enough for seeking help, a large spider-like scorpion demon appeared on the ceiling and without words, I understood the demon's intentions. I accepted its offer to kill our mother, but we had to die as well. I never saw the demon kill mom, but she left and didn't return. The demon came back and just as I was about to die I woke up in a cold sweat. My body ached like I couldn't move out of an uncomfortable position for days, I could tell that in my sleep I was paralyzed with fear. I don't think much about my nightmares, I often times worry more about the psychological effects it has because this dream is a pretty good representation of how I view my mom. Sorry if I terribly traumatized anyone who read this.



So, I don't remember how the dream started exactly. All I know is that it was kinda like a video game, and it was in Yandere Simulator where you play as Yandere-Chan, and You start off under a big tree that's from GoatVill High (If any of you have played the PE version of goat simulator you would know what I'm talking about) and you have to either choose a knife, a katana, a baseball bat, or a chainsaw as a weapon. When you did, the other weapons would disapear and these zombie-like things would appear around the shool. They looked like Hatsune Miku and Kagime Len (that one yellow female vocaloid) but they where faceless and they had black spots of decay on they and it was weird. If one of them grabbed hold of you their microphone would move and you would turn into one of them, and it would be game over. The objective was to get to the white Jeep (or was is a Sadan? I don't know) where Senpai was and trap the demons in the school yard. I restarted that dream 5 times before making it, and when I did get to the white Sedan, I hoped into the car with Senpai, BUT I FORGOT TO CLOSE THE GATE BEHIDN ME, so the zombies kinda followed us outside the school to infect everything.

yeah it was weird perfect represnetation of my subconcious


Okay, I have like a huge list of weird dreams but the weirdest ones happened when I was trying to lucid dream.

-The night after I lucid dreamed, I dreamed (in vivid detail) about a post-apocalyptic society where the government was monitoring everything we did. So they could hear and see our every move. However, me, a scientist, and my friend, also a scientist, had prepared for this. We had an underground lair with plains for weaponry and other advanced tech. The cave we used was similar to the batcave because you had to go through this huge waterfall to get there. Anyway, an earthquake (possibly government issued) destroyed most of our research. I got a notification on my phone that read "researcher dies from drinking 2000 galloons of Gatorade" (ik, super weird) the point being that the government killed him and taunted me by saying he died from something so impossible/stupid. Pissed off, I contacted the rest of the rebellion. they had managed to save a few files from our research and sent them to me to decipher. As my laptop tried to download the files, my mom and sister called me for the gov issued lunch of soggy fries and hot dogs (again, weird, but specific because I hate hot dogs??). After lunch I ran back to my computer but I was too late. The gov hacked my computer and destroyed the files. So, we lost. The government issued sleep curfew of 12:00 in the afternoon sent me to sleep.

-Once I had a dream, inside a dream…inside a dream. Like three layers deep. This was like a week after watching inception, so I get it, but still weird. One layer was lucid, (deepest layer) second layer was about my friend who my subconscious decided was an alcoholic, and the top layer was a car chase with a girl who claimed I was trying to steal her boyfriend. Lots of weird details in this one too, but i'm too lazy to type em out.

dreams are weird. but fun.


Alright here I go

So I wake up in this dimly light room that is made out of concrete. There is another bed next to mine and I am like really confused. So I stand up and i'm wearing this green, old, and torn tarp thing. So there is this door in the corner and I go to open it and it is locked and i'm just like 'well frick.' So I turn around and there is this boy there that was probably my age or a little older and he is dressed just like me but is supper dirty and looks like he hasn't showered in a while. I ask him if there is any way out of this room and hes all telling me about this master dude who only comes in at dinner time and leaves the door open when hes taking care of him. And i'm still really confused. We keep talking and stuff and somehow I figure out his name is like Cobe or Carter something similar. Then this guy who was apparently this crazy scientist dude comes in with this huge freaking needle and i'm like 'Nope' and I try to run out of there but he stops me and puts me in the corner and makes me stay. So he sits Cobe down on his bed and pulls out the needle and tries to stick it in his arm. I was thinking i'm not going to let him impale my new friend with that long freaking shot that probably has some drug in it so I run up and right before he sticks it in his arm I kick him in the face and he flies backwards. I grab my new friends hand and we book it out of there and he chases us. We run for a while past many doors which we think has kids like us. When we run out of this giant building we see that outside is like a dystopia but like a desert thing? So we run for a while and we stumble upon this shelter and I find one of my friends and she takes us to this underground part of the shelter. In there are both of mine and Cobe's families and we partied because I guess we had been missing for a while.

Sorry that was really long xD


okay, so i had this really weird dream where i could talk to animals, and to the dead, but to humans i was mute. and there was this concept where whenever i would talk, the closest dead person or animal would reply. and one morning, i woke up, and i could talk to people, but not animals and the dead. but later that day, i realioze no one is responding. everyone thinks I'm crazy, because from their perspective i'm talking to myself and then i realize its because the tables have turned. I'm the only one who can talk to anyone else. the next day, it went back to my norm. the dead had been screaming all day to me, and i hadn't responded. at around noon, i was able to talk to some of the living, but only on and of. then i realized they were zombies, and a war broke out. when i died, i became an animal, and my gift was passed onto someone else. then i woke up


I had a dream where these three guys (all in my grade that are part of the so called jock group) kept like following me around and stuff. Like lowkey stalkers. Then while i was running away i saw this car coming toward me but before it could hit me it stopped. the driver was this salty boi from this show i watch and he said 'get in loser were going shopping' (i watched mean girls not to long ago) but then he dropped me off at school and I was elected leader of a satanic cult and my grandma was the co founder (shes rlly religious and stuff) and we were using the bois from before as sacrifices to summon satan but then everyone died for some reason and the guy in the car from before came back and said 'this is coz u didnt go shopping loser'and left


One time I dreamt about asymptotes… before I even knew what they were. I just saw a graph and some indistinct lines and heard someone say "asymptote"… but that probably doesn't help, so…

When I was a kid I had a recurring dream:

I would suddenly appear on the shore of a lake, with R2D2 by my side. The lake was a murky gray/green, and the well-tended grass was the same color. There was a forlorn-looking two-story house on the opposite side of the lake. There were alligators lounging on the steep banks on the lake. The silence was broken when a monstrous alligator leaped out of the water and snatched R2D2, dragging him back into the lake with it. I panicked at the loss of my buddy, and dove into the dangerous water after him. I followed the alligator across the bottom of the lake and into a sewage tube. The tube led to the foyer of the house. R2D2 was nowhere in sight, but I had forgotten about him. I wanted to explore the house. I went up the stairs that were right in front of me, and started looking around upstairs. As I looked around the upstairs, ducking in and out of rooms, I realized that this was my childhood home. I was standing right inside my parent's bedroom when I heard a static noise from the hall. Peering past the doorframe, I saw a TV set sitting on the ground at the other end of the hall. It wasn't there before. It was a small, boxy thing, and it was turned on, but only showed static. As I tentatively approached it, the display switched to a video feed. It seemed to be a security camera feed from downstairs. I quietly sat down in front of the TV to watch what was going on. Up until this point, the house had been silent, but when the security feed appeared, I could suddenly hear what was going on downstairs. The video showed the kitchen of the house. There were three Stormtroopers gathered around a table with Darth Vader, and they were all going over diagrams or plans of some sort. I sat there, watching the feed for a while. The people in the kitchen started speaking in loud voices. They were arguing about something, and I could tell that it was important. Suddenly, everyone in the kitchen turned to face the camera–they knew I was here. Darth Vader and the Stormtroopers sprinted out of view, and I could hear their footsteps stomping closer. I was frozen in fear, and the last thing I saw before I woke up was Darth Vader's face as he whipped around the banister, about to run up the stairs to come and get me.

And every single time I had the dream, I would be aware that I had had the dream before, and I would know exactly what would happen next. Yet, I was never able to change what happened. I was trapped until I woke up.

Sorry that was so long


Ok so once I had this really weird dream that starts with me, all alone, in an old, abandoned version of my old school. I start walking around and I run into my friend Emily, but it turns out that Emily isn't actually Emily. Emily turned out to be a bunch of living watermelons who wanted to kill me. So I'm running around my school trying to escape these watermelons who want to eat me. then out of nowhere, a group of seahorses start throwing tubas at me. I finally find the door to leave the school, but instead of leading outside, the door opens into an old abandoned warehouse. So I'm running around some warehouse, being chased by watermelon and having tubas thrown at me. Next thing I know I'm tripping over one of the boxes in the warehouse and the watermelons have caught me. But since the watermelons don't have mouths, they can't eat me so instead they're just rolling around the floor of the warehouse. Then I woke up.

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Here's my chaotic dream from yesterday night. Have fun!
I'm going to try to make the most sense of this as I can. This is the weirdest and vivid dream I've ever had.

So the earth flooded or something. I joined a group of rogue teens like pirates (We weren't dressed like pirates) and we kind of just survived in Highland areas. We stole from Gas stations and other stuff and we had the police after us.
I don't even know vehicle we had it was weird. It was like the tractor and trailer that I use for work combined with a boat and a car and filled with wood to power it idk. We went to a forest park area on a hill (Now that I think about it, it looked like a hill in Ponyo. Don't ask.) There were wide beige steps with silver railings. The top had benches and food areas. I learned that my crush was part of our band. Then my mom found me.
She tried to take me home. She asked me what this was about and I literally said. "This is a dream inside of my head, don't worry." We drove home and I realized that the dream could have a different outcome and I legit LUCID DREAMED a new ending. I've never been able to do that and keep dreaming.
I changed the ending and I refused to go home with my mom. I walked up to my crush who was watching the sunset. I knew it was a dream and I had a huge boost in confidence, something I rarely get. And I kissed him.
Then it dwindled into chaos.
We ditched everyone and ended up in a jungle, trying to find my little brother who was last seen there. A piece of hair got into my mouth. I pulled it out and there were three black widows on it. I was like "Well, shit, i'm dead."
We stumbled upon the new coasts. A broken fence surrounded it. Debris and bodies floated in the water. I called my brother. A cliche yellow/orange raft was tied to the shore by a rope.
My crush was like “I don’t think we should be here.”
“But, my brother!”
“Someone’s coming and it’s not him. We should leave.” We left and I was salty about it. Salty to the point it wasn’t me anymore.
I really don’t know exactly what happened but I lost control. I was being mean and rude to everyone. It was chaos.
It ended pretty bad. My crush is gone, no food, brother still is gone. Alone.
From what I remember that led up to this ending was this: (This makes no sense)
So it was no longer an apocalypse and I asked my crush out on a date. (Like a different timeline.)
I was rude to him. (My worst fear is being rude and stuck up) Told him that we could go to a different place. (It was a drive through Mcdonalds, i don’t like Mcdonalds) And i’d pay. That doesn’t seem bad in that context, but in reality, it was pretty rude because both timelines intersected and once again, it was the apocalypse and that was the easiest food to get, McD’s.

This was the dream that has traumatized me for 24 hours.
I don't want to be rude. T-T

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When I was younger my Mom would play VHS tapes of a show called "Baby Einstein", which is a compilation of songs, characters, stories meant to make kids smarter I think? One of the shorts that played was of a giraffe wearing a tuxedo playing the saxophone. He didn't talk, all he did was make these weird "hm" noises when walking. I called him giraffio (don't ask me why). Days after watching the VHS I started had a nightmare where I heard those familiar "hm" sounds getting closer and closer to my bedroom door. The door would open, and a large, human-sized version of giraffio would come out and take me away. I had this dream until I started kindergarten, with many variations taking place. In one, my Pre-K teachers and classmates were kidnapped by giraffio; in another, I would go to the bathroom in the middle of the night and he'd randomly appear. It got to the point where whenever I pressed my ear against my pillow in the night, I'd hear my heartbeat and think it was giraffio coming for me. To end this off, I'd like to say a few things. Fck baby einstein, fck giraffio, and especially f*ck whoever had the idea of making him


Except we got ours on DVD and I do not remember one about a Giraffe wearing a tuxedo playing a saxophone in any of them.

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@AvengingKillcow Try searching "Baby Einstein giraffe" and you'll get results. Also, holy sh*t no wonder he scared me as a kid! He looks so lifeless and terrifying! (or maybe that's just the years of trauma speaking)