forum What powers do your characters have?
Started by @Shuri-the-Floof-Doggo

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Does she use the powers creatively? My characters who use the elements do things like use fire to create explosions inside of opponents, or they repel water from their heads so they csn breathe when submerged, or use Earth to burrow or swallow up enemies, or air to create vacuums inside of opponents.


Most of my Character's have superpowers so here they are!

  • To manipulate sound and vibrations and convert into light energy blasts
  • To phase through objects
  • To astral project into dreams and bend reality
  • Shadow Manipulator
  • Kind of like Green Lantern, but can also make things with their imagination to a certain extent.


I made one spontaneously combust suddenly, pushing air out fast enough to make shockwaves that broke another character. Like broke him to death. All those bones…

……Are you mentally ok or do you need to go see a therapist?


My universes are often high-power. Involving powers like…

  • godlike elemental manipulation
  • space-time manipulation
  • reality warping
  • the ability to wipe or heal minds (mental surgery)
  • angelic and demonic force manipulation
  • aether and nether constructs
  • incorporeality
  • power amplification, manipulation and nullification.

And all that…


I made one spontaneously combust suddenly, pushing air out fast enough to make shockwaves that broke another character. Like broke him to death. All those bones…

……Are you mentally ok or do you need to go see a therapist?

I'm mostly there… Why do you ask…


I made one spontaneously combust suddenly, pushing air out fast enough to make shockwaves that broke another character. Like broke him to death. All those bones…

……Are you mentally ok or do you need to go see a therapist?

I'm mostly there… Why do you ask…

Oh no I was just asking, but you would make a great murderer!


My universes are often high-power. Involving powers like…

  • godlike elemental manipulation
  • space-time manipulation
  • reality warping
  • the ability to wipe or heal minds (mental surgery)
  • angelic and demonic force manipulation
  • aether and nether constructs
  • incorporeality
  • power amplification, manipulation and nullification.

And all that…

Dang, that is really powerful. I would use those powers, but like, I feel if I do, I would make them too OP if that makes any sense?


It's not OP if most people hsve them… I hsve human characters who can compete with the superhuman ones… As in ACTUAL human statistics. Not like Batman, who in real life based on the comics would be superhuman.

@Becfromthedead group

Okay, so in my world, everyone has a certain potential for magic. Each person is capable of a specific type of magic, and they either choose to tap into their capabilities or they don't. Magic has different main types: fabrication/manipulation, psychological, and assisting (sometimes psychological and assisting magic cross over, depending on how the individual utilizes it).
So fabrication/manipulation are your elemental-type powers, and also the most common. It's more than just your fire, water, earth, air. It also includes light, dark, ice, and electricity among others. This is the only type of magic ever used for combat, though much of the society sees using magic in combat as a cheap trick.
Psychological powers are sometimes more passive, sometimes more active. Clairvoyants, for example, usually can't choose when they receive knowledge about the future, but occasionally, they can will themselves to view one possible outcome to a situation (though only one out of thousands). Also in existence is telepathy, but it's used only to read thoughts, not to implant them. Some people are more susceptible to the powers of this type of magic than others.
Assisting powers are your support characters. This includes healing. I haven't really thought of any others yet.
However, the crossover between psychological and assisting comes in an ability called influence magic, which is used to alter someone's emotional state. Some use it to ease emotional pain as a sort of healer (and it can also work to lessen physical pain if used right), while others may use it malevolently, such as in instigating fights or drama, or to manipulate people into giving them what they want.


My series have lots of mental powers because I'm fond of those, like telepathy, mind-reading, mind-control, mental surgery, mind distortion, mind-swapping, spatiocognition, chronocognition, and others.


Spatiocognition is like spidersense or omnidirectional awareness, usually it's passive, allowing them to sense things at a few meters in diameter. But woth focus they can massively expand their range.

@Becfromthedead group

Ah, I gotcha. Those are both cool. I did include chronocognition as an ability for dragons in this other story I'm sort of working on. I just didn't know it by name.

@Becfromthedead group

It's a really cool term! I won't use it, as I think I'm probably just going to basically describe it in passing as "catching glimpses of the past and what's to come," and leave it at that, partially because I don't want to steal your term. I'm never publishing, but I'd still feel weird about it.