forum What makes you happy?
Started by @soupnana group

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Being licked by my favorite horse. I see him twice a week and he licked my hand last week and it made me super happy. Seeing/touching/riding horses makes me happy, being with my friends, acting out dramatic death scenes, and writing something good also make me happy.

@soupnana group

It's called the Stormlight Archive. First book is The Way of Kings, second book is Words of Radiance, and the third book is Oathbringer. They are sooooo gooooood and there are going to be like seven more books in the series. But I'll be in like my thirties by the time he has written them all, because it takes him like 3-4 years to write one of those books. Understandable, seeing as each book is over 1000 pages and he needs to get artwork done for it and he's writing other series at the same time. But stiiiiilll…

@soupnana group

yes. Do. Don't be daunted by its size though. It is such a complex story and it really comes to life as you read it. And, if you are like my friends and wait for the next few months to actually read it, you might be able to finish Oathbringer and be able to go STRAIGHT to the fourth book!