forum What kills an adventure plot for you?
Started by @Paperok

people_alt 5 followers

@HighPockets group

Plain and boring filler hat doesn't advance the plot or characters or relationships. Writing your OCs hanging out together is a good prompt, but it doesn't always fit in a story.

@Becfromthedead group

-Way too predictable
-The opposite; way too many twists to keep track of
-No stakes
-OP characters who survive unrealistic things
-Cool plot, but flat/cliche/all-around not good characters and development
-Throwing in things like romance for the sake of romance
-Every second is filled with action. I want some dialogue, and I want our protagonists to get some time to rest (because realistically they need it)

@Starfast group

Nothing makes me want to put down a sci-fi or fantasy faster than a romance that's slowly overtaking the main plot. I read adventure stories for, well, the adventure. If I wanted to read a sappy romance then I'd read a romance novel.
I'm not saying that adventure stories need to be totally devoid of any romance of any kind, but I'm just so over adventure stories where romantic subplots start to take the center stage.

Also, this ties in with what @@jynandor said, but stories with slow pacing. I think it's safe to say that this typically doesn't belong in any genre, but I especially hate it in adventure books because boring and tedious are typically the opposite of what I picture when I think of adventure stories. You don't have to jump right into the middle of the action in the first chapter, but it also shouldn't take like 15 chapters for something interesting to finally happen.