forum What kills a romance plot for you?
Started by @Paperok

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I hate it when people get together, and then after the get together crap, they completely change from their individual character traits. Or when their whole loves begin to revolve around the relationship

@HighPockets group

I mean, the only reason a character should change is if they went through something traumatic or had a change of heart. Like, when Jon and Meg get together, they don't change their personalities. Stephen, on the other hand, changes himself to be less self-centered and works towards becoming a better person once he falls in love with Izzy.

Deleted user

Here's an example of a romance plot that went from great to terrible in the span of a few episodes: Darling in the Franxx. The relationship between the character of Zero Two and Hiro was so endearing. It starts with Zero Two being this mischievous type who knew more than she let onto, and she helps Hiro achieve his dream. But after 15 episodes their main conflict is resolved so for the rest of the series they just sit around. Zero Two's personality has a complete makeover, and she's this kindhearted bubbly character who does nothing. All they do is kiss and say how much they love each other. Like, I get that. I really do. BUT LIKE SERIOUSLY THE MISCHEIVIOUSNESS OF ZERO TWO WAS WHAT MADE SO MANY PEOPLE LOVE HER CHARACTER AND THEY TOOK THAT WTF?!?!?! Hiro got more interesting towards the end, but we have to sit through a lot of episodes just to see that, and it's when he gets separated from Zero Two. Honestly, there's a lot in the show that ended up being a complete letdown, but I don't want to get too far into it…


Isn't Darling in the Franxx that one where they have sex in a mech? Or is that just what everyone else wants to happen?


I had to read a romance novel for my summer reading. (It claimed it was sci-fi, it really wasn't) I hated both the main character and the love interest. The main girl character was annoying and whiny and the love interest had no character flaws and every time he appeared the author had to describe his "curly autumn hair". I wanted to throw the book across my room.

and yeah I love edgy villains but DON'T SHIP THEM WITH THE HERO WHILE THEY ARE COMPLETELY UNREDEEMABLE*. like bill cipher x anyone confuses me, all the shipping fanarts of him have to make him out-of-character for the art to make any sense.

*ben solo doesn't count for me since the story is basically going in the redemption direction. but when i see reylo fanworks where he's still evil its uncomfortable for me

Deleted user

Isn't Darling in the Franxx that one where they have sex in a mech? Or is that just what everyone else wants to happen?

They pilot mechs by doing it doggie style. But they don't do it for most of the show. It's more of a romance/teen drama

Deleted user

One time, I read a webcomic where this guy and a girl were just friends, but everyone kept shipping them. And it was made clear that the girl was meant to be with another girl, and everyone just kept calling them friends… and got mad when they ended up together at the end.

Deleted user

I mean i like ships, and im sad if they dont become true, but its not like its my whole life, y'know? And i definitely wouldnt threaten anyone about my ships!!!


Hey I ship Klance but that doesn't mean I attack other ships like Plance or Sheith

Although I don't agree with Allurance at all. Their relationship in 7 seems so freaking forced and unnatural. I'd rather have Plance, cuz that makes more sense.

Deleted user

Yeah, i ship klance too. I was referring to the crazies that threaten VA's and scream about queerbaiting. (which did happen, but it was prolly dreamworks fault. ) allurance sucks

@HighPockets group

Ugh. Star Wars is my life, and half the fandom is kind, loveable people, and the other half is crazies from either end of the political spectrum. I mean, you've got the "Dizney is rurning Stur Wurz wif its agenaaa!! A gurl! Nu way!! Lando cant be pan hes strate!!!1111!!!" guys, and then the "MAKE FINNPOE CANON YOU QUEERBAITING COWARDS!!! UGH THE GIRLS AREN'T GOOD ENOUGH WHY AREN'T THERE MORE!!!????" guys. It's a mess.


Yeah, i ship klance too. I was referring to the crazies that threaten VA's and scream about queerbaiting. (which did happen, but it was prolly dreamworks fault. ) allurance sucks

Oof. I heard people threatening to do that but I didn't think they'd actually go through with it. Shit man. I'm sorry.

Deleted user

Yeah, i ship klance too. I was referring to the crazies that threaten VA's and scream about queerbaiting. (which did happen, but it was prolly dreamworks fault. ) allurance sucks

Oof. I heard people threatening to do that but I didn't think they'd actually go through with it. Shit man. I'm sorry.

nah my dude, dont be. :) klance was super cute