forum What kids wish their teachers knew
Started by @rot-baby-rot!

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So I watched this TED talk on YouTube called, you guessed it, "What kids wish their teachers knew." You don't have to watch the video to do this, but I was thinking people could post a sentence or two about what they wish their teachers knew

(Here's the link to the video )

I wish my teachers knew that berating and humiliating me when I can't answer a question doesn't help my learning.


I wish this one teacher knew that I couldn't fully commit to her acapella group because I'm a senior with a WHOLE LOT of other responsibilities, college, family, and otherwise!


I wish my teachers knew that I can't sit in the middle of a room. I have to sit at the edge or else I get mini panic attacks.

@HighPockets group

  • That just because I have glasses doesn't mean I can read the board from the back of the room
  • I need to be called on during a discussion otherwise I panic
  • If I'm having a bad day, the quality of my work will lower by a lot


I wish they knew I don't raise my hand a lot because I have a lot of anxiety and not because I don't know the answers.

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I wish they knew the mental state of their students and how much work they are giving me makes me just want to hurt myself even more.

I wish they knew that just because I read a lot of books I know what your talking about.

I wish they knew that I may have a brain tumor and that I'm too worried about my health to pay attention.


I wish they knew that I understand if they're having a bad day because teachers are underpaid and overworked

but I ALSO wish they knew that they can't treat a high schooler like a college student just yet. we're still transitioning!

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i wish they knew i'm trying REALLY hard and to stop being "disappointed"


I wish my teachers knew that even though I maintained all A's, I was dying from the stress and pressure.

I wish my teachers knew that talking about my mother like they knew her is insulting and they have no right to do so.

I wish they knew that I physically cannot do a presentation without my voice shaking or having a panic attack beforehand or halfway through.

I wish they knew how much dirt I have on them because my dad works with them, and I know how horrible some of them really are.


I wish my teachers knew that I am scared and feel sick if I present something in front of a large group of people.

I wish my teachers knew that I don't know a lot of the answers, that's why I don't answer a lot of questions.

I wish my teachers knew that I feel stupid, but I don't want to ask for help because no one else is and that will make me feel even more stupid.

I wish my teachers knew that extremely loud music helps me focus and feel calm.