forum What is your usual reaction to seeing someone close to you crying?
Started by @ColaOfTheCocaVariety

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If they're close to me as in emotionally, I'll beat off everyone else trying to smother them with a base ball bat then quietly sit next to them offering words of encouragement and depending on the person gently rub their back until they spill they're gut's or stop crying usually both. If it's just a person I kinda know crying I'll give them a concerned glance then beat every one except a close friend or two of theirs off with a base ball bat and then keep my distance until I'm sure the friends have it under control then I'll leave it to them. If it's a random stranger I'll offer a concerned glance and a few words of encouragement and a complement and depending on they're response I'll either sit and listen or smile gently at them before going on with my day.

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At first, I'm like What the F . U ?c ,,,,, k? Why does the water spill from the ball of which you glimpse out of??

Then I activate my mom friend power and try to comfort them. Keyword: try. Sometimes I make it worse. But other times I get them to feel 10 times better about the situation. It really just depends on how well I know them.


At first, I'm like What the F . U ?c ,,,,, k? Why does the water spill from the ball of which you glimpse out of??

Then I activate my mom friend power and try to comfort them. Keyword: try. Sometimes I make it worse. But other times I get them to feel 10 times better about the situation. It really just depends on how well I know them.

“wHy dOeS wAtEr sPiLl fRoM tHe bAll oF wHiCh yOu gLiMpSe oUt oF??”
I laughed way too hard XD

@Mojack group

I typically do not know how to deal with anybody crying at all. I’ve been called I’m good at just listening, so I guess “silent comfort” although it might be annoying to the person.

I myself prefer to be alone when I’m upset like that but it might not apply to everyone. I just notice a lot of people’s first reaction is to bombard them with questions like “are you okay?”

Which I do understand why they’d say that but sometimes you just need those moments of silence to gather yourself.


At first, I'm like What the F . U ?c ,,,,, k? Why does the water spill from the ball of which you glimpse out of??

Then I activate my mom friend power and try to comfort them. Keyword: try. Sometimes I make it worse. But other times I get them to feel 10 times better about the situation. It really just depends on how well I know them.

“wHy dOeS wAtEr sPiLl fRoM tHe bAll oF wHiCh yOu gLiMpSe oUt oF??”
I laughed way too hard XD

Guilty, too.


I myself prefer to be alone when I’m upset like that but it might not apply to everyone. I just notice a lot of people’s first reaction is to bombard them with questions like “are you okay?”

Which I do understand why they’d say that but sometimes you just need those moments of silence to gather yourself.



(I legit hate it when people say are you ok like if you feel the need to ask the question then the answer is probably no)


(Another thing. A person who is crying is probably embarrassed. They don't want the whole fudging world to comfort them, they need close people, ya know?)


(I literally hate that. If I hurt myself or get upset I don't want to answer because I know you can hear the tears in my voice and hmmmNAH.)


(Exactlyyy. Sometimes it makes me cry harder if there are more people watching, than if I was just left alone.)


(Ehe, yeah, once I sat backstage and started sobbing because I had to sing a solo. I'M A FUCKING ACTRESS. It was a hard song. I couldn't sing it right. I cried. People comforted me. I cried more. I appreciated it through tears.)


My heart literally drops and I go to them and most of the time in fine but sometimes I have to try not to cry, and I'll sit with them until they want to talk