forum What is your music aesthetic?
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 6 followers


I have a resting bitch face, so most ppl avoid me
Maybe that's not the reason, but most ppl avoid me anyways
But at school everyone thinks I'm angry all the time
But during English I was reading a fluffy fan fiction and I giggled and I swear the entire class looked up and gaped at me
And I don't get it, I like to think I'm a nice and friendly person



Today at school I wore all black sitting in a corner by myself yet all I ate for lunch was my rainbow goldfish

I haven't had those in forever
A piece of my childhood I have yet to taste again

I’m like known for my rainbow goldfish. How could you go so long without eating them?

My mom doesn't buy them anymore, she says they're too expensive and won't let me buy my own snacks


Today at school I wore all black sitting in a corner by myself yet all I ate for lunch was my rainbow goldfish

I haven't had those in forever
A piece of my childhood I have yet to taste again

I’m like known for my rainbow goldfish. How could you go so long without eating them?

My mom doesn't buy them anymore, she says they're too expensive and won't let me buy my own snacks

That sucks. I say they’re worth it.

Deleted user

I guess the closest thing to my aesthetic would be Darkside by Alan Walker.

Except a few things are different but this seems to be what I am like. My thought process behind this is pretty interesting, XD. But no one wants to hear my crap.

Deleted user

I’m constantly rebelling in the smallest ways, falling away from the light side, into my own insanity. Into my dark mind where I feel safe but unstable.
This was triggered by someone really important to me. (They know who they are) In the light side, I felt trapped, bonded by chains of self-doubt, depression, and hate. Freed, I ran to the darkside with this person who I will name T. More expressive, more rebellious, I (metaphorically) ran into the night where I could be myself. Free but unstable is how I am now, the chains are broken from my wrists. And I’m trying to completely draw T from the lightside after he freed me.
Now where things are different, basically the first two lines.
“We're not in love
We share no stories”
This is the only issue because we are in love and we share many stories XD.

Deleted user

See! That's really cool. I like hearing how people relate to music, we all have that one song that makes you think… Yeah that's so me!

Deleted user

And damn that was deep im sorry XD

Isn't it better that way? Hello there! My name is emo how are you?

Deleted user

Not just one song, all the songs.
Major music lover over here XD I'm thinking of making a song theory script like thing where i just squeeze songs into bits.

Deleted user

And damn that was deep im sorry XD

Isn't it better that way? Hello there! My name is emo how are you?

I bet im far more emo than you.

Deleted user

And damn that was deep im sorry XD

Isn't it better that way? Hello there! My name is emo how are you?

I bet im far more emo than you.

Fight me! Jk I like all my fellow emo peps!

Deleted user

Not just one song, all the songs.
Major music lover over here XD I'm thinking of making a song theory script like thing where i just squeeze songs into bits.


Deleted user

See my hair is naturally black so would it be too out of place for a male to wear eye liner? Lol.

Deleted user

See my hair is naturally black so would it be too out of place for a male to wear eye liner? Lol.

shurg i dunno
Also im glad there are more males on this site, i thought we just had @Firebrand

Deleted user

I don’t think I’ve ever really talked with @Firebrand but Yeah I’m a guy too. Tries to think of other males

Deleted user

@Lostboy2 is male. His name is Chuck
Me. I’m male my name is Darren
Nealmoon is male
@ahollinger00 is Austin

Deleted user

Yeah these are all newer peeps… i think @Firebrand was one of the first, that's why i identify him as the only male i know, I've known him longer.
So das why.