forum What is Your Greatest Fear?
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Deleted user

Awkwardly tries to make conversation
Mine is either sleep paralysis {terrifying} or spiders


Spiders, harsh chemicals, not-so-harsh chemicals, loss, failure
In other words, I'm scared of a lot
Everything but the kitchen sink
And even that looks terrifying

Deleted user

There used to be a time where I was afraid of practically everything, even light

My current greatest fear is paying for my sins.

Deleted user

Just birds.
I kid you not.
Particularly pigeons, crows and magpies.

Deleted user

@humming-Ravens when they attack me, yes
I'm even afraid of swallows if I think they're gonna attack me


For me, it's gotta be bugs. That and losing everything I could ever love in this slow, inevitable march towards death, but that takes too much thinking.


@humming-Ravens when they attack me, yes
I'm even afraid of swallows if I think they're gonna attack me

that's gotta be rough
did….did you get the joke though?

Deleted user

If it makes you feel any better, I did, and laughed so hard I cried

Deleted user

@humming-Ravens when they attack me, yes
I'm even afraid of swallows if I think they're gonna attack me

that's gotta be rough
did….did you get the joke though?

yes, i did

@Mojack group

Mine is dying by radiation.

As someone who is interested in the subject around radiation, and I do a lot of research of it (including the effects on human body) I think it’s one of the worst ways to die.

I also don’t like standing in front of a window at night, when everything is all dark outside. I know it seems a bit silly, but I don’t like the idea that something or someone could be able to see me. My kitchen sink has a window above there, so if I ever get dish duty, I’d prefer to do it when there’s some light out.

Deleted user

I'm also not big on needles

@Mojack group

Dental needles, I don’t mind.

I don’t like them on my skin. Now that I’ve broken some bones, I can say needles aren’t the worst pain ever..but I don’t like needles still.