forum What is your favorite kind of weather?
Started by Screaming cinnamon roll

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Screaming cinnamon roll

I'm just kind of curious. I was thinking about it when I was outside in the rain. Personally rain is my favorite kind of weather and I was wondering why people dislike it so much. It makes me incredibly happy somehow. When it rains I go outside barefoot skipping and spinning, dancing with the rain. I love the sound of the rain on the roof when I am falling asleep. I love to sit and smile and I let the rain kiss my skin. It makes me laugh and smile from ear to ear. I absolutely love it and it is one of the most wonderful things in the world.
Now what is your favorite kind of weather and why do you love it?

Screaming cinnamon roll

I love the cold. The snow silencing everything, coving all the bad up, and the Winter sun in Alaska is so beautiful it makes everything else dull in comparison.

I've been to alaska and I think it might be one of the most beautiful places in the world.


My favorite weather is when the sun is shining brightly through a partly cloudy sky, reflecting off the damp rocks from an earlier rainstorm, as a cool wind blows through the 70-ish degree (Fahrenheit) weather.

@Becfromthedead group

If I'm going to be outside, 50-60 degrees Fahrenheit, overcast and just slightly breezy.
Or just straight-up thunderstorms, but like the summer storms that come out of nowhere- especially if it's nighttime. There's no better weather for sleeping.


I love rain, its so peaceful and refreshing and it washes away all the gross dust and dirt that collects on everything and it sounds so peaceful and its just great but I also like a gentle snow, not a heavy intense windy snowstorm but just a gentle snow where its just peacefully falling making everything look so gentle and untouched with streetlights reflecting off of it and making everything sparkle.


Cloudy but bright, in the spring, when there are new leaves on the trees.
And when there's sun but it's not hot (nor cold) outside, with some clouds, during fall.


I love stormy weather, Absolutely love it. Like I actually love thunder and lightning and pouring rain. (I live in Texas so it's literally a whole mess)
literally we had hail on Saturday but within an hour later it was clear skies again


Cold, dry Autumn-like weather, really, the crisp, brisk, silent, slightly breezy kind!
Ooh! Or those times where it's raining but the sun is out and it's only slightly cloudy? Like just a few puffs but it's raining!

Deleted user

I agree with Shuri about autumn-ish weather… but also thunderstorms!! I love the colours of fall, when the trees go in all those red, yellow and orange colours…


I agree with Shuri about autumn-ish weather… but also thunderstorms!! I love the colours of fall, when the trees go in all those red, yellow and orange colours…

!!!! yes, that's beautiful