Started by @ember-chan-will-never-forget-you

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I don't know what a whale sounds like.

Well according to my baby sister, they just scream "WHAAAALLLLLEEEEEE" at the top of their lungs.

(that link is a video thing where I edited her screaming into the music video for a song, I don't know if you can view it or not)


I don't know what a whale sounds like.

Well according to my baby sister, they just scream "WHAAAALLLLLEEEEEE" at the top of their lungs.

(that link is a video thing where I edited her screaming into the music video for a song, I don't know if you can view it or not)

I'll watch that when I get the chance. You're baby sister sounds awesome!

Deleted user

Talking is horribly hard for me. I have an overbite, braces, a spreader in the top of my mouth. No one can understand what im saying half the time, i sound like a 10-yo boy with a horrible lisp. It's so hard… trying to socialize and get looked at weirdly for slurring my words and not being able to pronounce the simplest words. I can't say "Juan". I have to be guided to pronounce words. I have to practice saying words others can say with ease.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Talking is horribly hard for me. I have an overbite, braces, a spreader in the top of my mouth. No one can understand what im saying half the time, i sound like a 10-yo boy with a horrible lisp. It's so hard… trying to socialize and get looked at weirdly for slurring my words and not being able to pronounce the simplest words. I can't say "Juan". I have to be guided to pronounce words. I have to practice saying words others can say with ease.

(eesh. That sounds terrible. We have a girl at our school who has a hard time talking, and she stopped me in the hall to say something about my skirt, and so my social anxiety lifted to new heights, because not only is someone new trying to talk to me, I couldn't understand her! I was already having a depression attack too, and now, if I knew how to, I'd be crying right now.)

Deleted user

Talking is horribly hard for me. I have an overbite, braces, a spreader in the top of my mouth. No one can understand what im saying half the time, i sound like a 10-yo boy with a horrible lisp. It's so hard… trying to socialize and get looked at weirdly for slurring my words and not being able to pronounce the simplest words. I can't say "Juan". I have to be guided to pronounce words. I have to practice saying words others can say with ease.

(eesh. That sounds terrible. We have a girl at our school who has a hard time talking, and she stopped me in the hall to say something about my skirt, and so my social anxiety lifted to new heights, because not only is someone new trying to talk to me, I couldn't understand her! I was already having a depression attack too, and now, if I knew how to, I'd be crying right now.)

Yeah, it is. I never talk because of it. Lately, I've been doing calls with my bf and it just keeps getting worse and just…. its hard going to sleep a crying mess just because you cant say words.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Yeah, it is. I never talk because of it. Lately, I've been doing calls with my bf and it just keeps getting worse and just…. its hard going to sleep a crying mess just because you cant say words.

…. just wish I could cry… Everything would probably feel a little better… even though it's not.

Deleted user

Yeah, it is. I never talk because of it. Lately, I've been doing calls with my bf and it just keeps getting worse and just…. its hard going to sleep a crying mess just because you cant say words.

…. just wish I could cry… Everything would probably feel a little better… even though it's not.

Hon, I relate. It's okay. I know we just met but I'm here for you. You can PM me and vent if you want to, the offer is open.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Yeah, it is. I never talk because of it. Lately, I've been doing calls with my bf and it just keeps getting worse and just…. its hard going to sleep a crying mess just because you cant say words.

…. just wish I could cry… Everything would probably feel a little better… even though it's not.

Hon, I relate. It's okay. I know we just met but I'm here for you. You can PM me and vent if you want to, the offer is open.

(Thanks. I might take you up on that. Today's been a particularly bad day. grimaces awkwardly)

Deleted user

Yeah, it is. I never talk because of it. Lately, I've been doing calls with my bf and it just keeps getting worse and just…. its hard going to sleep a crying mess just because you cant say words.

…. just wish I could cry… Everything would probably feel a little better… even though it's not.

Hon, I relate. It's okay. I know we just met but I'm here for you. You can PM me and vent if you want to, the offer is open.

(Thanks. I might take you up on that. Today's been a particularly bad day. grimaces awkwardly)

Alright, take your time and I can try to help in any way I can.


Talking is horribly hard for me. I have an overbite, braces, a spreader in the top of my mouth. No one can understand what im saying half the time, i sound like a 10-yo boy with a horrible lisp. It's so hard… trying to socialize and get looked at weirdly for slurring my words and not being able to pronounce the simplest words. I can't say "Juan". I have to be guided to pronounce words. I have to practice saying words others can say with ease.

I'm sorry. That must be tough. A lot of people take simple things for granted, like talking, but we know what it's like to have something like that… taken away. I'm glad that you can type because I enjoy talking with you!

Deleted user

Talking is horribly hard for me. I have an overbite, braces, a spreader in the top of my mouth. No one can understand what im saying half the time, i sound like a 10-yo boy with a horrible lisp. It's so hard… trying to socialize and get looked at weirdly for slurring my words and not being able to pronounce the simplest words. I can't say "Juan". I have to be guided to pronounce words. I have to practice saying words others can say with ease.

I'm sorry. That must be tough. A lot of people take simple things for granted, like talking, but we know what it's like to have something like that… taken away. I'm glad that you can type because I enjoy talking with you!

Thank you!

Deleted user

I binge eat oreos when I am sad. Just oreos, nothing else.

I binge and eat ice cream if I’m sad, if we don’t have it I nom on frozen cookie dough because I’m an idiot.


I binge eat oreos when I am sad. Just oreos, nothing else.

I binge and eat ice cream if I’m sad, if we don’t have it I nom on frozen cookie dough because I’m an idiot.

You’re not an idiot! I’d do the same thing tbh…

@Elder-God-Whisper work

I binge eat oreos when I am sad. Just oreos, nothing else.

(I binge read. The food in my house is closely monitored by my mom because my mom is a food hoarder. She's also a health nut.)


I binge whatever the heck I can steal from the fridge when I’m sad. Usually it’s broccoli or Cheese-Its, but occasionally I’ll find a tub of ice cream or a hardboiled egg or something else delicious and suddenly I’m less sad