forum What is the weirdest thing you've been sent?
Started by Deleted user

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Deleted user

Self-explanatory title, what is the weirdest thing anyone has sent you. Tryyyy to keep it under pg-13 (because reasons i dunno)

Deleted user

I was once sent a picture of a rotisserie chicken with my orchestra director's head photoshoped on it

Deleted user

I was sent a distorted video of my boyfriend holding his head in his hands and acting possed…. It was interesting.

@Riorlyne pets

An email receipt for some building project in (possibly?) India or somewhere. And it wasn't just a once off - I keep getting emails about different stages of the project with quotes for concreting, steel this-that-and-the-other, requests to pay for x amount of work done…

I sent an email to notify them they have the wrong address, but every few months I get another one. O.o

Deleted user

my friend sent me a really weird picture of me that just said insert name here stealing souls and being a snake since insert random year here


I just started college yeah
and my new friend group like… makes a group chat and the first thing Paulee sends is everyone else's face (she didn't have one of mine) photoshopped onto weird pictures
Lexi was just on a bolt of lightning but she has a handful of cards up to her face
Paulee's face was photoshopped onto an American Idol contestant who sang a weird song…..
(it's so weird our group already has memes)
and Zac's face was photoshopped onto a goblin, a crown added, and holding an apple emoji. Bc he's the goblin king. Why? bc he really really loves Goblin Market, a poem
and then no one has a pic for me bc like
I'm ace so I'm invisible lol. Like a vampire.
Okay I'm done bye

@Starfast group

Sit down and get comfortable guys, it's story time:

Sometimes I like to go through my junk folder just to see what kind of random stuff ends up there. Today I was going through it and I had 2 emails from "Mr. Peter Amangbo" who is the founder of Zenith Bank in Nigeria and they want to transfer like $3.5 million into my account. In this email, my name is (apparently) Latrina M. King, and I live at 700 Keeaumoku Street, Honolulu, Hawaii, 96815 USA.

Then I saw ANOTHER email from a "Ms. Carolyn Miller" with the subject line "READ AND CONTACT HIM RIGHT NOW!"

So I read the thing. The first line of the email reads like this:

"I am Ms Carolyn Miller I am a US citizen, 48 years Old. I reside here in [redacted] Rd, Solvang. My residential address is as follows. [address- redacted], CA [zipcode-redacted], USA."

There was an actual address and zipcode there, which if you ask me, is a lot of unnecessary personal information to put in an email to a complete stranger but I've edited it out for reasons that I'll get into later. It's kind of hilarious to me because it's kind of like they're trying to prove that they're a real person. Like "Hi! I'M CAROLYN AND I'M A REAL PERSON. DON'T BELIEVE ME? THIS IS WHERE I ACTUALLY LIVE!"
Ms. Carolyn Miller goes on to explain how she was a victim to the same West African Money Scheme emails that I'd been receiving and lost over $90,000. She then talks about how she went to the FBI and a man Albert Johnson helped her get my money back.

She then gives me Albert Johnson's email and urges me to contact him, but that I'll need to pay him $325 for his services. She urges me to just fork over the money to him, but don't be worried because "he's a sincere and honest person." lmao.

So anyways, then I fell down a rabbit hole because I was like "there's no way any of this sh*t is real." Like it's obviously a scam but I figured they wouldn't have covered their tracks very well, and actually? I was wrong. I did a bunch of googling and this was what I found

  1. There is a Zenith bank in Nigeria and Peter Amangbo is the actual founder. All the other names mentioned were too generic for anything interesting to come up in google.
  2. Ms. Carolyn Miller's address is an actual house (dunno who really lives there which was why I edited it out).
  3. But why not edit out the address that I apparently live at in Hawaii then? Because I googled it and it's a Walmart.

TLDR; Some guys tried to scam me by saying that I need to verify my non-existent bank account details, but then they took it a step further and tried to scam me again by sending me another email from a fake victim of their own scam. Also I live at a Walmart in Hawaii, apparently.


I got this text during English class
'Hi, my name is Karrie Sue Z. I'm an agent at the Shut The Front Door Orange Protection Program (STFDOPP) and we've been looking into your case. We've found you're hopeless. You're life is a failure, and you should probably start seeking professional help. If you have any questions; Find me on my webpage at https ://I. Dontgiveaflying.(/
Or email me at Gotalkto.someonewhogiv.esafricklefrackle@hate/'

@HighPockets group

One of my friends kept getting phone calls from a number she didn't recognize. She answered and asked the person who they were. The person just went, "Wait. You're not Mrs. Salisbury?" and hung up when she said she wasn't.

@Starfast group

^ That sort of loosely reminded me of something that happened to one of my friends. Apparently she'd been getting some texts and calls about horse related stuff, not very regularly but it was something that happened like every now and then.
Fast forward to like a few months later, I'm out at the barn and my horse has pulled one of hers shoes. So I call the farrier and my friend picked up? And I was like "Ok, this is really weird, but I have the wrong number?" and we kinda laughed it off before I ended up googling the correct number.
Turns out my friend has an almost identical phone number to my farrier. In fact, they're basically the same phone number just with the last 2 number switched around.

Deleted user

I was also sent a picture of my bf with his school schedule in his mouth… for some reason…


I got airdropped THE ENTIRE Nightmare Before Christmas movie. AND IT WAS LIKE HIGH QUALITY???? Looked exactly like it does on the DVD?????
And it was sent under the name of the teacher I have in that class, but the teacher was gone that day.
it was just strange.

I never got answers.