forum What is the past tense of yeet?
Started by Deleted user

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As Snowy said…

A past participle is the form of a verb, typically ending in -ed in English, that is used in forming perfect and passive tenses and sometimes as an adjective, therefore the past participle of Yeet is Yeeted. However, the past tense is Yote. Take the word smite, the past tense is smote, but the past participle is smited.
And Shiver…

(words with eet in the english dictionary change to ed to be past tense if the need to be, but usually they are only used in present tense)

And me…

"Yeet" can be an onomatopoeia, which is a word that expresses a sound, such as honk. The past tense of "honk" is honked. The past tense of "drip" is "dripped". The past tense of "meow" is "meowed". Look up the past tense of almost any onomatopoeia, and you'll find that the end of nearly every single one in past tense is "ed". "Yeet" is also a dance. The past tense of "dance" is danced. Therefore, the past tense of "yeet" is "yeeted".

Deleted user

Welp, with y'all's explaination…Yeetle-dee-doom to all the yote supporters :/