forum What I'm Thankful For. (Spoiler: It's You.)
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Deleted user

It's Thanksgiving tomorrow. I'm laying on my couch in a blanket right now listening to sentimental music, and I'm still in my pajamas even though it's 1:12 PM, and I wanted to show y'all some love, because I'm thankful for YOU!

I found this website in spring sometime while scrolling through Writing Life Hacks on Pinterest. A few minutes later, I had account and was freaking out about how amazing it is. I remember the first day of me using Notebook was during spring break, meaning I stayed home and went online all day. I posted about needing inspo and avoiding burnout, and quickly got a reply from the lovely Sly (@ThatBackgroundSlytherin). He said some really great things, and I was instantly in love with Notebook.

Soon enough summer break came around, and I remember it purely as early morning cross country practices and running around under a gray sky, biking home to eat a freezey pop and check this site before wasting the day away by browsing Pinterest and YouTube. It was during this time that I joined the British Friend chat, met Kat (@Kat_i_Am), Chuck (deleted user. Rest his soul, o Lord), Darren (@CW_Daredevils), Annika @CW_Born_Confuzzled_Chameleon), Suga Lover (@I'm_A_Little_Mochi), andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer), and more. andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s dad also passed away during this time (rest in peace, James), and although I never really knew anything about him, I remember seeing the post and wanting to cry.

School started back up in September. I wasn't on as much anymore, busy with cross country practices until 5:00 and meets until eight or nine at night. Homework had me swamped, but I still always looked forward to coming on and seeing y'all.

October 23rd, I finished my first book. I'd written many, but they'd all ended up unfinished or unedited. I excitedly texted all my friends and realized later that I didn't tell my fam, causing me to immediately feel guilty because without y'all, it wouldn't have happened. I posted about it, and I know people probably didn't care, but what they didn't understand was how important they were in the process. Around that time Chuck died. Gosh, I could cry thinking about that. He's a lost boy forever in our hearts <3

I guess that brings us here, doesn't it?

I'm still in school (obviously), but currently on Thanksgiving break. The sentimental music I told you about in the first paragraph is getting to me, and so I'm just gonna get to the point.
Whether you celebrate Thanksgiving or not, know that you– Yes, YOU, reading this– are my rock. You really keep me healthy and productive, and no matter how many times I say it. . .


You people are what I'm thankful for. Everything you do, everything we've been through together (death, sketchy peoplez, NaNoWriMo, the entire month of October where everyone's names had the word 'spoopy' somewhere in them) will forever be in my heart. Gosh, why am I tearing up?
Don't listen to sentimental music, kids. It messes you up.
I lovelovelove you guys. Happy Thanksgiving

  • M

@soupnana group

Awwww! Happy Thanksgiving M, we love you too! ❤️ Even though I barely even have spoken to you, you are a fricken amazing human being, and you are just the coolest! Stay amazing! You da bomb.


I swear

when you mentioned my name my heart lept out of my chest

i love you, M!

and also…

andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) (and his lovely wife :)
Spooky the Cat (my IRL best friend)
and anyone else that I forgot to mention.

i love you guys