forum What exactly do you plan on doing with your story?
Started by @NobleWolf

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Are you going to turn it into an official series and market it, or is it just for fun? Or some other third thing?

@Starfast group

Mine are all just for fun. They'll probably end up on my tumblr, and maybe a few other writing sites like wattpad at some point.
I kind of like to think about what would happen if I did publish it professionally and it got super popular. Like, who would play my characters if my stories ever got turned into a movie or tv show. Stuff like that.

Realistically though, that probably won't happen. I'm kinda weird about people that I know reading my stuff, and I'm not really sure I want to go that route. Still, it's fun to think about.


Just for fun! My writing probably isn't good enough to publish. Still, it's fun just getting my thoughts down on paper. Plus, looking over all of my previous works is actually a great way to judge my own character development and my development as a writer.

Deleted user

For fun! …But I also have plans for publishing it as a book, if I don't take an excruciatingly long period of time making it and ultimately forget about it


I have never finished a story because of a cycle I like to call "The cycle of self doubt" Plan story and characters for an unreasonably long time - start writing story with great struggle - realize it sucks and try to fix it - realize I wanted the story to go in a different direction completely and restart - and either the cycle continues or I give up haha fun stuff


I want to publish, but I also do it bc I enjoy it. My main series I'm working on right now is going to be a trilogy. Book 1 is done, I'm working on book 2, and book 3 is in planning.
Then I have an Alice in Wonderland fractured fairy tale that is in serious development, I plan for it to be my NaNoWriMo novel this year. Serious brainstorming is going down in the magic forum, if you wanna come help ; D
Then I have another fractured fairy tale in the works, but it's v vague.
Then I do short stories a lot- they're my "writing" when I'm procrastinating my actual projects. I got one published, but that's it.

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I do it for fun. I really want to be an author but realistically I know that's probably not going to happen. I have a book I'm working on now that's I'm thinking about printing a few copies of when I'm finished but not marketing.

@kat_i_am it's so cool that you got something published! Good for you!


Like, the lyrics? The dancing? If they're that important, I would put them in and describe them. If they're not that important, describe the message of the performance or the ambiance of the concert

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I also have this idea where I create an audiobook for my book, but it has music cues, an original soundtrack, and full-on voice acting (as in multiple people play different characters) But that just a silly idea


I'd actually really like to publish mine. It'll probably take a while before it's finished, and even then it might not even be good enough to publish, but I can at least try and it will be a good experience anyway