forum What do you want to be when you grow up?
Started by @bubblegum

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Ooh, good question : D I got a big one, so bear with me xDD

I want to be a game designer when I grow up, start my own studio, and make it a place for people to break into the industry easier. Ultimately I want to build a school that is free for the students, and is entirely focused on their personal lives and career choices. I've done a lot of development into the school, which I'll just copy paste as a bullet point xD Here's my entire life. Obviously, all of this is super idealised, but if I can do even a little bit, I can consider myself successful. Shoot for the stars and all that.

-Create a studio that produces inspiring games that push limits with their beauty
-Employ artists, musicians, programers, business, testers, writers and creative leaders with less expectation then other studios to give them a path into the industry
-Create a studio that is an active learning environment for people to hone their skills in a real setting
-Learn enough to do enough things that I can help my team out when they need it
-Inspire people to chase their dreams and hold on to one another
-Create a brand of environmentally friendly game casings, consoles, and disks. Plant a number of trees for each product sold
-Work on a solution to the trash islands, then employ it
-I want to work on a mental health care system that is available to everyone, with no restrictions or judgment, based off my own struggles to find professional support.
-Create drive and passion and create a community for people that create change, push for good, and support equality. I want to raise money for charity
-Give and give and give to everyone who needs me, and never stop
-Tour the country, doing a volunteer tour, planting trees and so forth
-Tour doing a performance tour, including acting, music, fan interaction, games, and more
-Create a youtube channel that does let’s plays, game reviews, sketch comedy, animation, game promotion, tutorials, ect. Charity livestreams to the max.
-Create a school that is tailored to each career path, with specialized, individualized teaching based around the needs of each student
-Focus on the impact the individual has, as well as the group

The school:
-The school will be made from shipping containers, and as many of the classes will be held outside as possible
-The school will be as close to free as possible, and will house the students for as close to free as possible
-It will not run off standardized testing, rather the tests will be there only to see where a student needs to work on. No stress due to grades.
-It will only employ teachers who are passionate about their subjects and fields, and whose goal is to see their students succeed
-Online classes will be available, with live tutoring sessions available for free
-Extra curricular classes on health, psychology and life skills will be available and encouraged
-There will be no time limit, you can stay at this school for as long as it takes you to learn what you need. No "4 year degrees" take your time, sis
-Once a student, always a student. Return any time to take just one class on something you need more work on, it’ll be cool
-If a student decides mid course to switch careers, please do so with no cost. I want them to not feel trapped by a decision, and to be able to experiment to find what they really truly love
-Teaching will be done extremely hands on, with less lecture, and more activities. Students will actively participate in the world. E.g., environmental aid students will go out and help the environment, not just learn about it
-Set up the students for success by supporting them in anyway possible, and will encourage community mentalities
-There will be a playground
-The campus will not be decorated with grass, it will be a living garden, with every surface covered by plants that are cared for by students
-Mental health will be a priority at this school
-There will be an animal shelter attached to the school, where students can sign up to take care of a pet during their stay, and hopefully adopt them once the leave. If possible, cover the costs of the pet for the first year or two, or until they get settled. That way the animals get to have cage-free lives, and it will be a no-kill shelter, run by students
-Celebrate gifted individuals, (all individuals tho tbh), and encourage them to encourage and lead and teach others. Teach everyone to support one another
-No age limit, both ways. (If younger than 18, need parental/guardian permission)
-Teachers act as a guiding hand, and class ages and levels of experience will be mixed. Students will be encouraged to help each other without needing the teacher always. Zone of proximal development is key here
-Interaction during class time in encouraged. The louder, the better. Quiet study areas will be provided, of course, but during class the more interaction, the better
-Libraries. Plural. Books books books books
-A huge ballroom. Duh
-Various safe places for various religions to pray in peace
-Multi course interaction: Encourage different courses and careers to interact with each other and teach each other important information regarding their field, so everyone is as wisely educated as possible
-Annual school-wide get togethers, where the discuss important topics, fields interact, and solutions are made, then employed
-Online practice tests/lessons/support for anyone taking classes outside our school
-Instead of a piece of paper, students will have powerful accomplishments and artifacts to show employers
-Or, instead, maybe no testing, and just conversations, where we subtly rate how well they know things, by getting them engaged in conversations with friendly, welcoming one-on-ones. Then we use that data to adjust their courses to cover what they know less of. So it’ll seem like MAGIC
-Mentorship, if grades, where each person is a mentor to one younger than them

WOW! That's long! Sorry! And if you read all of this, I'm very impressed xD And thanks :)

But hey, what do you want to do when you grow up, @brightly-colored-bones?

@Becfromthedead group

Career-wise, I'm working on my BS in Public Health, and I'm trying to set up my track so I can study to be a physician's assistant.
I also want to be able to give back to my community, and raise a family that wants to do the same. My number one goal is to set out to make the lives of others better, even if it's just in little ways.