forum What do you think of this new thing I'm working on...
Started by shurikenwolfbadass_13

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So it's a modern retelling of Dante's Divine Comedy, but it's a series of animated shorts for adults. It takes place in modern times, and in Italy. The story starts with one of Dante's ancestors, Dempsey DeAngelo, who has returned to his ancestral country of Italy to attend the funeral of his great-grandmother, Beatrice Alighieri. After this, he spirals into a life of sin in Italy, drinking, smoking, gambling, thievery even. Well, as this is going on (in montage form), Beatrice, (the angel from the original poem, not his grandmother), sends another angel to let loose three beasts from various places over Italy, one a lion, with the word "Violence" on his collar, one, a leopard, with "Malice' on her collar, and one, a wolf, with 'Incontinence on her collar, and by fate, they encounter Dempsey shortly after he wakes up hung over in the woods. The soul of the poet Virgil appears, and deals with them using some of the supernatural power he was given by Beatrice. The two engage in conversation. Dempsey asks Virgil just what the hell he is, to which Virgil tells him, that he's a soul from Hell, told by Beatrice, who sees Dempsey as she saw Dante, to bring Dempsey on a tour through Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven so that he may be clear of sin, and so that he can experience Heaven, but Virgil also does it out of respect for Dempsey's forefather Dante. And the events of the series are kickstarted.

I'm doing the writing, for all but three shorts, and there are 94 of them, one for each Canto of the original poem. And I'm doing some of the " Directing " for all of them. One other person is taking care of the other three Cantos' writing, and is going to co-direct with me. We've got a friend of mine to animate all but four of the Cantos, and someone to pick up his slack on those four. And we have a guy on sound and music. We've also got a few people who aren't voice actors, but they could be, and they're doing voices. It's all unofficial, and we've checked to make sure it's original (or as original as you can get when you're rebooting an old-ass poem), and we're doing all of the Cantos together so that we can release it all with ease, but we haven't started yet, although we're going to in a few days.


Yes, it's for adults because of the graphic nature of the original classical poem, which was straight up graphic. There are some things that you can't write around…

And, I get what you mean… It is a really cool poem which relies on symbolism. The original is basically the journey and progression of the soul disguised as a religious epic.


The animals are meant to represent the three major sin types. The lion represents violence, and wrath, the wolf represents gluttony and lust, and the leopard, is malice, fraud, sloth, pride, envy, greed and everything else. Virgil, who represents human reason, is able to fend them off for a bit.