forum What Do You Think Makes a Badass Character
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Deleted user

I'm asking for your answer, I'm somewhat curious as to what answers I get, if any.


A strong character that doesn’t let their guard down and when something goes wrong they know how hold it together until it’s ok to cry.

@Becfromthedead group

Takes no crap
Doesn't care what other people think of them unless it's valid and real criticism
Can hold their own in a fight (physical or verbal, depending on the situation and universe)
Tough but not necessarily emotionless
Readers generally like the character and see them as a strong role model


In my opinion, a badass person is not one who can punch well, but one who can fight with integrity, and/or perseverance. Now, most people aren't going to agree with me, and that's alright, I get it. This is not traditional badassery in any sense. Yes, I see them strong, but I mean strong emotionally. And, even then, they should break sometimes. It's only human. I envision them independent and confident. They don't have to be the smartest character, or the fastest, or the most attractive. They don't need to be able to shoot a gun ("Gun Control!" I quietly scream in my head). They don't need to be able to wield a sword, especially the first time. All they need to do is keep trying, no matter what comes their way. They need to do the right thing, even when the other choice is easier. You can never expect them to be perfect, they mess up sometimes. But then, then they try again. If they went the easy route, they go back and do the right thing. Being capable of beating people up is just an added bonus

Deleted user

That's great. I personally think that while being strong and smart helps, it's not essential. For instance, like Naruto at the beginning of the series. Dumb, kinda weak, but still really badass.

I think what makes a character a badass is not how smart, strong or skilled they are, but how they look and act. The dictionary definition of badass is "having a captivating or admirable appearances and personality" and I think that's mostly true, although that's not even close to all there is.

A badass is someone with an indomitable will, capacity for self sacrifice, and a truly unique and special soul, whether they're good or not. I don't at all think it has to do with doing the right thing. I think it has to do with character, although morals help.
Someone who uses deceit in a fight is more of a badass than someone who fights with honor, because they're being true to the nature of what a fight, whether mental or physi, is: a confrontation where winning is centric. Honor is what you fight for in a fight, not what you use. You're not going to use money as a weapon in a fight to win a sword that's for show?
It's also about both being yourself, and seeing the world for what it really is.
Like I said, being smart, strong, skilled, tall, and spitting out one-liners like a machinegun isn't what makes a badass, but it helps.


In my terms, a badass is someone who fights and keeps a straight head about it. They don't need a sword or a gun, or whatever. They don't need to be emotionless, in fact I think a badass is someone who can be kind, but can fight against both the outer and inner demons. They're protective of their friends, and will take no crap from anyone. They're self reliable, but will always be there for the people they care about. They fight with integrity, loyalty, honor, and show others that they can become like that. They're like a role-model to most people because out how they fight, but I've seen a lot of badasses, and the only weapon they wielded was their words.