forum What Do You Do To Relax?
Started by Deleted user

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Deleted user

When it's just me, alone in the house. I turn on catchy songs and just dance, usually I'll just dance in a sweatshirt and shorts, but it's not really what I wear, it's what I feel like! Like when I'm feeling mood swingy, like I have been all day, I'll turn on "Flamingo".

@Becfromthedead group

I don’t think I’m completely capable of relaxing, but here we go:
Wearing soft clothes/wrapping myself in a soft blanket (generally softness and warmth soothe me); swimming (look, I hate exercise, but this one works); listen to this really specific kind of music- like grungy stuff, but the most chill possible grunge, basically songs that reminds of nights out driving; drinking coffee or tea with milk and sugar; playing a chill game like Skyrim or Stardew Valley


I can agree with the dancing and fuzzy blanket ones, that's for sure.
I also like painting, drinking hot cocoa made with milk because hot cocoa made with water is not as tasty, curling up with my precious catto, and one odd thing I like to do is go outside, perch on my favorite swingset, put in my earbuds, and then swing, usually for an entire hour. Something about the fresh air, the birds singing, the mild exercise, and the obnoxious Vocaloid/Kpop music that I'm slightly addicted to all together is extremely relaxing and cures me of practically all anxiety, stress, worry, embarrassment, all of that, even if it's just temporary. Unfortunately, the swingset broke in half and fell over last week with me on it, so it's no longer an option… sad.


Take a walk. I absolutely love walks. I especially like going to a park and walking in the woods, surrounded by trees.
Climbing a tree is tons of fun to me.
Painting. Seeing the strokes of color against the white is so satisfying.
Music. I play my uke or listen to a playlist of soft songs or sing or dance. But just music.
I love warm drinks. (not a coffee person tho) but I love tea and hot cocoa.
Stargazing. I can't even begin to describe how relaxing the stars are for me. They're there in the sky always and when they shine bright enough for me to see them in a little suburban neighborhood, I'm instantly a little happier.
Sitting on my roof. Just okay even on a cloudy night, there's something about sitting on my roof and listening to wind howl, or the train in the distance that feels real.