forum What character trope do you hate the most and why
Started by @Paperok

people_alt 2 followers

@Becfromthedead group

  • "strong woman"- but like the bad kind that's bordering being a mary sue, and will literally refuse legitimate help from other people, especially men, because he's a man
  • Edgy, aloof character that's actually just a jerk, but is considered hot and mysterious. You know what else is hot? Good, nice guys who treat their SO and other people right.
  • Any form of a Mary Sue. No one gets to be OP unless it's a parody on being OP, and most certainly not everyone is going to like/hate a MC for no reason
  • Any sort of characters that are a token of diversity, especially when they wind up as stereotypes. This includes black/asian/other minority characters and also LGBT+ characters, disabled characters- anything you can think of, there's an attached stereotype, and people will write them in for the sake of being "diverse."
  • Damsel in distress. Needs no explanation.
  • Completely evil antagonist who has a weak motive, he's just EVIL, so the MC has to stop them
    I'm sure there's more, but these were the first ones that came to mind.