I'm curious to see how everyone is using this website! So here's mine:
Universes: 9
Characters: 32
Locations: 11
Items: 5
Races: 10
Feel free to elaborate on anything you feel like!
I'd also like to know how/if you all use the other pages too. I'm still working on how to incorporate them into my own works.
Universes: 1
Characters: 4
Locations: 0
Items: 0
Universes: 4
Characters: 45
Locations: 4
Items: 2
(Most of these are shared with a friend.)
Universes: 5
Characters: 24
Locations: 2
Universes: 1
Characters: 3
Locations: 2
Items: 1
The reason that I don't have a lot of characters is that I'm working on my main characters and stuff.
universes: 2
characters: 15
locations: 3
items: 0
Fairly unimpressive stats, since I'm only working on about one project.
Universes: 2
Characters: 25
Locations: 9
Items: 1 (Lol what is there to even put under items? I have a single magic object in one of my worlds)
Universes: 1
Characters: 2
Locations: 0
Items: 1
(i hardly use Notebook for those anymore)
@ThatBackgroundSlytherin ummmm holy shit. im hella impressed. you win!
Everyone else you gotta step up your game! LOL
Universes: 3
Characters: 11
Locations: 4
0 for everything else. I'm thinking of getting premium maybe soon so that I can have access to more stuff. Particular government, magic and countries.
I legit have one main story. The only thing that I do on this anymore is forum games…
What has my life come too?
I legit have more notifications when I log on every day then all of my stuff ever, combined!
Universes: 2
Characters: 17
Locations: 6
Items: 22
Yay I have the most items
Universes: 0
Characters: 31, and I haven't added them all yet
Locations: 2
Items: 1
Universes: 2
Characters: 74 (Lol I just put side characters here to keep track of them)
Locations: 8
Items: 2