forum What Are Your Notebook AI Stats?
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 9 followers

Deleted user

I'm curious to see how everyone is using this website! So here's mine:

Universes: 9
Characters: 32
Locations: 11
Items: 5
Races: 10

Feel free to elaborate on anything you feel like!
I'd also like to know how/if you all use the other pages too. I'm still working on how to incorporate them into my own works.



Universes: 11

Characters: 218

Locations: 41

Items: 4

Countries: 4

Creatures: 35

Deities: 6

Floras: 21

Governments: 3

Groups: 10

Landmarks: 10

Languages: 3

Magics: 5

Planets: 28

Races: 33

Religions: 6

Scenes: 23

Technologies: 10

Towns: 26

Deleted user

Universes: 1
Characters: 2
Locations: 0
Items: 1

(i hardly use Notebook for those anymore)

@Starfast group

Universes: 3
Characters: 11
Locations: 4
0 for everything else. I'm thinking of getting premium maybe soon so that I can have access to more stuff. Particular government, magic and countries.


I legit have one main story. The only thing that I do on this anymore is forum games…

What has my life come too?

I legit have more notifications when I log on every day then all of my stuff ever, combined!