forum What are the three most awesome magical or futuristic items you've created?
Started by shurikenwolfbadass_13

people_alt 4 followers


I designed a small, silver ring that gave the wearer great magical and physical strength, but every minute someone spent wearing it, their sanity begins to slip away as the voices of lost souls, demons, and various other unpleasant creatures whispered to them.
There was also a sapphire shaped like a tear drop that caused whoever held it for more than an entire day (even carrying it around in a pocket/bag) would begin to uncontrollably cry until they passed it on to someone else.
My main character has a sword that has been around for millennia and is made of pure silver and is enchanted to never break, never dull, and has the power to slice through anything including illusions


I made an entire world become a living being and it feeds off of the memories belonging to the souls of the deceased. Its surface also changes based off the changes that happen to the other world that it is linked to, like if an earthquake happens and a large rift in the earth is formed, suddenly it appears in this world without sound or warning. Any beings in the place are instantly transported away from the place of catastrophe. It's being called Requiem until I can think of something better


First, I designed a satchel with a direct link to the arsenals of Heaven and hell, so the user has an unlimited supply of Angelic and Demonic throwing knives, throwing axes and throwing needles.

Next, a weapon called the Multi-Weapon, which in it's base form, looks very unimpressive, it's like a 3-foot long, silvery metallic staff, with a rounded point on each end. However, it can turn into various swords, axes, spears, knives, hammers, sai, staves, bows, slings, shields, pistols, shotguns, rifles, assault weapons, a grenade launcher, and even a flamethrower. Furthermore, it is indestructible, and unbreakable short of being tampered with by an omni-being.

The next one is an arsenal of laser guns. Each shot travels at lightspeed, can punch through steel, is 50,000°C, and they each hold their own variant of ammo depending on their type. Portability, and ammunition capacity depend on the model.


First came the Author of Storms. It is an intricately carved ebony longbow possessing some very powerful offense magic. When one points an arrow to the sky, the carvings on the bow fill with light, the color of which corresponds with the type of magic it creates. Upon release, the arrow sails through the sky, piercing the clouds, and disperses into pure energy. This raw energy takes the form of a powerful Magic Storm which can take the form of one from below:

  1. Fire: fireballs and flaming material rain down
  2. Frost: Icicles and shards of Ice fall
  3. Lightning: Intense thunderbolts streak down from above

Second is the Millennium Circlet. It is a crystal crown which grants the wearer the ability to teleport, transmute any material into something else, and grants access to the different planes of existence, so that they may summon extraplanar beings or the souls of the dead back into reality.

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The Amulets:
Three amulets were created with the blood of each of the three predatory animals. They give the owner the physical and mental abilities of the animal chosen. The animal shifts with each owner, dependent on their personality. Sky-light magic, the rarest of the elemental powers, gave the amulet's power.
But to every blessing, there's a curse.
Instead of stopping chaos, it only promoted it. A system that was put in place for the owners to have a mentor was soon abused and turned into a curse.
When an owner dies, they become the next "Keeper". "Keepers" are the mentors of the owners, teaching them what to do. With the increased chaos, the amulets only trapped the souls, preventing them from passing on. They suffered torture.
Soon enough, they started promoting the chaos, rooting on the wrong side, trying to get their students killed.
It started with Kiranimi's owner, he depressed her to the point of suicide. Kiranimi didn't like what she had to do in order to be free but, when times got desperate, she influenced the fighting, just like those before her.
She turned Sycore, a poor farmers boy, into the most psychopathic man ever. He killed all those he loved and hated. He started a full-on genocide.
He died of blood loss after he took his final victim, his girlfriend. He was trapped in limbo for centuries.

The Guardian and the Oak:
The Guardian balanced the elemental powers with the amulet powers. They were chosen from heaven and their memories wiped, making their job easy. Unlike the Keepers, they have no need to remember their lives. After a time of service has passed, they go back to heaven, memories wiped once again and a new Guardian is chosen.
The Oak. The oak is the central power source of the amulets and the place of limbo. The Guardian can come in and out of the limbo, but the keepers are constantly trapped in the magic realm. It's located in a meadow with a live oak in the center. The oak dies if the amulets are destroyed.

The Merged and the Sword:
When the system of the amulets was bypassed, it shut down. It took two souls and their power to try and regain strength. To go in full shut down mode, it merged the amulets. It became a silver collar with a huge, diamond gemstone in the middle, the colors varying throughout the diamond. Chains fell from it and reconnected again.
When the Merged was touched, it was activated and one soul was set free with one purpose, to take control of the mortal who activated it. This soul was Sycore.
Sycore took control of Tom, the one who activated it. This was a slow process but he succeeded.
After the chaos of the amulets took place, the magic of the rebels formed the Sword. It is unclear what it's original name was.
It was hidden in the mountains. It was the only thing that could destroy the Amulets. It was laced with darkness, to defeat the dark, dark light.

(I'm so sorry. That was a lot. I just couldn't put three, the story wouldn't make sense. Forgive me.)