forum what are some Big Life Questions ™ you have
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Deleted user

everyone has those Big Life Questions.
answers can be serious or seriously awful .
lets gooooooo


I always wonder what it’s like if you had a second life, like you wouldn’t even know you had a first, and if you’re an animal you might not even know that you are an animal. I don’t really believe in reincarnation but the concept is interesting to me. If I was someone else, who I am now would be completely irrelevant to me.

Deleted user

How is another’s life so similar to my own, yet all we’re seperated by a screen? What are the chances of us ever meeting?

Deleted user

on heaven and hell- why should the actions you take during a 70-80 year period determine the standard of living for an eternal afterlife ?? are humans really so conceited that we believe we are that important?

@HighPockets group

Am I biromantic or panromantic? Do I even need a label? Why should I label myself when I can't figure out who I am? Why do people think they know how a person should act or behave by the parts between their legs? Why is eros viewed as the most important type of love; aren't friendship, family, and selflessness more important than a romance? Why are we humans drawn to what we can't have? Why do people care more about who a fictional character has feelings for than about the feelings of the people they harass for daring to disagree with them? Why is diversity in a story always viewed as getting political; do straight white men really feel threatened by Rey being a girl or Batwoman being a lesbian? Why do we judge people without knowing everything about them? Why can't I help and save everyone? Why can't I ease their suffering? Why am I here? What will I be remembered as? What will my legacy be? Will I do enough in my life to merit my time here on Earth? Will people know about me in Heaven? Will I be there some day and have a kid run up to me and say they love my books? Will I be able to continue my passions in Heaven? What if the person I love is already dead; could you meet your soulmate in Heaven?

Deleted user

is heaven even real? what about god? does that make any sense? does it make any sense Not to have a god? whats the point of anything, of everything? Is it love? family? satisfaction? a greater purpose that all of us as humans need to fufill? is love even real? Or is it just a pulse of electricity fired from the synapses in your brain?
what is real anymore, and what is not?

Deleted user

what if times is stopped very frequently, and none of us know except the person/entity that froze it? What if as i'm typing these words time stopped and suddenly-bam- we're all 3388 years older and have no way to show it?
Unlikely but Unprovable: A novel by me

@HighPockets group

Why do people assume others are straight or cis? With the amount people in real life notice me, I could run through my school screaming "I AM ASEXUAL!" with a pride flag as a cape and they'd look at me and go "are you asking insert freshman dude here to Hoco?"

Deleted user

what would happen if i stood on the table and just yelled "i'm gaaaaaaaayyyyy"
would they look at me differently?
would that one guy stop making "attack helicopter" and "triggered jokes"
would the girls avoid me?
the guys?
should I care?
would my friends be weirded out?
would my friends parents be weirded out?

@HighPockets group

What would happen if my crushes knew? Would they care that I'm ace and bi? Would not wanting sex be a deal breaker? Would people look at me weird when changing for gym? Would my friends keep it a secret or out me? Would my dad care? My mom? My sister? My friends and their families? Would it be better to get it off my chest or just let it stay? Why is so much value placed on sex and romance? Why can't people be friends without being shipped? Why can't a guy and a girl hang out without others thinking they're doing it? Why is there so much sex in YA novels aimed at teens, but so few aces in any form of literature?