forum What am I known for on Notebook?
Started by @blue_topaz

people_alt 5 followers


Shuri is known for their immense niceness and supportiveness

Emi is known for her long usernames and awesomely sarcastic humour

Sly is known for adopting everyone on the site

What am I known for?

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Your creativity! You are so creative, Topaz! I can’t believe half the things you come up with! And you write amazingly well. I honestly wish that I had the skill you do.


I think I remember you from back in April before I took a break from the sight, did you have the same user back then?

Also thanks for the input! I haven’t interacted with you in a while either so I can’t confirm or deny the last statement


Your creativity! You are so creative, Topaz! I can’t believe half the things you come up with! And you write amazingly well. I honestly wish that I had the skill you do.

Aw thank you so much!!!! And I feel the exact same way about you, I can’t seem to write feelings as well as you do!

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Your creativity! You are so creative, Topaz! I can’t believe half the things you come up with! And you write amazingly well. I honestly wish that I had the skill you do.

Aw thank you so much!!!! And I feel the exact same way about you, I can’t seem to write feelings as well as you do!

I think I write feelings as well as I do because I get them really strongly. It’s weird, but I just know how people would think and feel…
And thank you so much!

Deleted user



Topaz! You’re just such a wonderful user and roleplayer, the site is very glad to have you here!


Thank you so much!!!
The site is glad to have you too!

And by long username I meant back in the day when you had the looooong hyphenated name with Senpai somewhere in the mix

Deleted user


Does anyone remember that?

Cuz i don’t

Imean my specific user



Does anyone remember that?

Cuz i don’t

Imean my specific user

I remember the words “Cat Lover’s Fork Cult Satan Morals M Ambiguity Friend of Ellinoot” but I can’t remember the order/don’t know if any of that was right

@HighPockets group

I remember you for being willing to talk to me about my story even though all I gave you was a bare-bones summary. And for how nice you are and how much you love tea!