forum westside
Started by @BMGxGMG

people_alt 56 followers

Deleted user

i got a message from them yesterday bc of something i said on their other thread which was exactly like this one
and being the childish fuck that i am i sent one right back at them

Deleted user

ooooo damn

well this shit doesn’t belong in Characters, btw, so maybe delete it

@Anemone eco

Yeah, they had a duplicate one which I commented on. I received a polite "fuck him" and then they moved it to the Flora section and didn't comment on it again.

Deleted user

I don't ever send death threats, so please don't group me with @swift, thank you

@Anemone eco

I didn't group you with @swift. I said "they" because I am unsure of @swift's gender identity and it is impolite to assume. :)))

Deleted user

Oh, my bad, I thought you were saying "they", as in both me and @swift, I guess I read that wrong, I'm at fault here

Deleted user

im the bad guy


billie ellish starts playing in the background