Here is a place for happy thoughts! You can put anything here that makes you happy. Whether it be someone very important in your life, or just something that made you smile today, you can write it down here. :) I hope you have a wonderful day!
I saw a tiny, cute black kitten and he adored me. We went on an adventure together to find his owner and he literally did not want to leave me. He even followed me for a while after I gave him back to his owner :')
I'm sorry you had to leave him
It's fine. I'm just glad I found him and got him back to his owner :D
Well I rejoined theatre (after I was forced to quit last year) and I'm really excited about that because there might be opportunities for me to get some bigger parts (!!!) and possibly do dramatic roles (which I almost never do because I'm a comedy person), and plus I'll get to see all my friends from theatre who I haven't been able to hang out with in a while ! ! !
That's great! I've been thinking about joining theater myself recently. It sounds like a lot of fun! I hope you get the part you're wishing for! :)