forum Weirdest Thing in Your Story
Started by @yeetus

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A kid shaves off his eyebrows to examine what gets caught in them during the day.

@Starfast group

Oh boy, this sounds like a great opportunity to talk about Andor. He's kind of a comic relief character who originated from an inside joke, but I think he might just be the weirdest character I've ever written.So yeah, let me tell you about Andor Nordmark:

  • He dyed his hair blue, but his parents got mad at him and told him to dye it a different colour. So he dyed it purple.
  • He got his tongue pierced even though he's really afraid of needles.
  • The reason he got his tongue pierced was because he made a bet with his friends, who all thought that he wouldn't go through with it
  • His celebrity crush is every member of Mother Mother.
  • Unironically believes in aliens.
  • Has weirdly strong opinions on whether pineapples belong on pizza (they don't).
  • Repeatedly refers to one of the other characters as "a bitch" often right in front of him.
  • He has the aforementioned character's contact information saved in his phone under the name "Dr. Bitchface."
  • He has no verbal filter
  • Would do anything that isn't illegal for $5.00
  • When he's first introduced to the story he's wearing a white button up shirt, a black vest, black dress pants, a red hoodie and a hat that looks like this:

He's a fun character to write about.


I have a a 15,00 year old seer who look like an 8 year old girl with creepy eyes and talks like Shakespearean Yoda
(Yep, Shakespearean Yoda)


Oh boy, this sounds like a great opportunity to talk about Andor. He's kind of a comic relief character who originated from an inside joke, but I think he might just be the weirdest character I've ever written.So yeah, let me tell you about Andor Nordmark:

  • He dyed his hair blue, but his parents got mad at him and told him to dye it a different colour. So he dyed it purple.
  • He got his tongue pierced even though he's really afraid of needles.
  • The reason he got his tongue pierced was because he made a bet with his friends, who all thought that he wouldn't go through with it
  • His celebrity crush is every member of Mother Mother.
  • Unironically believes in aliens.
  • Has weirdly strong opinions on whether pineapples belong on pizza (they don't).
  • Repeatedly refers to one of the other characters as "a bitch" often right in front of him.
  • He has the aforementioned character's contact information saved in his phone under the name "Dr. Bitchface."
  • He has no verbal filter
  • Would do anything that isn't illegal for $5.00
  • When he's first introduced to the story he's wearing a white button up shirt, a black vest, black dress pants, a red hoodie and a hat that looks like this:

He's a fun character to write about.

He sounds very interesting.


I'm drawing that character right now. Unfortunately, I can't draw kids. Her eyes are like polished black gems