forum WE LOVE HIM 3000
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Deleted user

Right here!!
I just saw Spiderman Far From Home and right in the beginning, I started crying, thanks to that memorial video thing from the students.

Deleted user

did someone say Stark
A few years back, I actually wrote a 3-page essay on how much I love(d) him

Deleted user

That's perfect lol, the only thing one can write a 3-page essay about

Deleted user

I miss him so much… I still can't fully comprehend that he actually died…

Deleted user

I know y'all are probably going to hate me for this… but I found this on Pinterest and I actually started crying…

Deleted user

I mean it was SO GOOD but jesus christ I cried so hard in the first 5 minutes

I did too!!! WHYYYY

@TeamMezzo group

I know y'all are probably going to hate me for this… but I found this on Pinterest and I actually started crying…

ahh scuze me
please become unable to can

Deleted user

I know y'all are probably going to hate me for this… but I found this on Pinterest and I actually started crying…

i cant. she's crying. who told you that you could make me feel like this

Deleted user

OMG I have missed all the comments I am sorry I made you all sad guys!!!! At least we can all cry together while we think about how AMAZING he is!!! I say that we all create a universe in our heads where Tony is fine and everyone is fine and they are all eating shwarma together

Deleted user

I almost keep forgetting he's gone… like he was such a memorable character with so much development throughout all the Marvel movies he was in. He did so much for the Avengers and it's hard to believe that he's just gone, for good…poor Peter Parker, I feel so bad for him…


I'm so freaking mad cause Far From Home made me cry so hard and THIS IS NOT OKAY and then he thought he met someone who could be almost sort of like Tony Stark was to Peter, and then HE FREAKING JUST - I MEAN - I'm not ok.