forum Ways your parents disciplined you that you think is funny
Started by @NobleWolf

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Being "disciplined" isn't funny when it's happening, but later on I just look back, laugh, and say "Did she really do that?"

So yeah, this is a light-hearted chat about any times your parents or guardian put you straight that you thing are hilarious in hindsight or just plain outrageous.

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Whenever I went into a friend's house (who lived across the street), my mom caught me when she was taking one of our dogs out. She ran over, yelled at me, and banned me from stepping foot across the street for… uh… I think… six years? It wasn't until recently that they let me walk around the neighborhood.


Um this was more me and my mom, but my younger brother recently hasn't been very kind to her (He's being a sassy boi). He's becoming very dissociated with the view point of the other gender and shuts down when we even bring it up. Our solution to it? Hand him my old puberty books for him to read. Then leave them on his desk while we plot on which of my clothes we should force him. Ridiculous, but at the same time 100% serious.

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Okay, so maybe this isn't exactly a punishment, but it was still funny. So when I came out to my mom about being bisexual, I said something along the lines of "Hey mom, just letting you know that you have a very prideful daughter if you get my meaning." and then she was like, "What do you have to be proud of, have you seen your report card?"

She was joking

We laughed about it immediately after and she was really supportive about me being bi and whatnot.


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Mom: 1
Me: 0
Well played, mother of mine, well played.

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My dad used to confiscate all of my electronic devices except my phone. Like, why?

Dude my parents do that if I forget to do something (etc. Brush my teeth, take a shower).