forum Warrior Cats Fans Come To Me!
Started by @wake-read-eat-sleep

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Who's a Warrior Cat Fan?
Although it's not full moon, it is time for a Warrior Cat Fan Gathering!!!
Does anybody listen to the Warrior Fan Songs? What Warrior Cat ships do you ship? BIG GROUP FANGIRL/BOY CONVERSATION!!!!


kicks door IM HERE
I ship Jayfeather and his stick Lol
Ummmmmm I still haven't finished all the rest of the books but I ship Lionblaze and Cinderheart :)

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Does this count as a warrior avatar?
I once made a Warrior fanfic OC story (Or tried to) It was the cat version of me and my best friend at the time. It didn't really have a plot but basically, it was…
Meadowpaw is mute. She becomes a warrior dawning the name Meadowsilence, her friend Moonpaw becomes Moonfeather. Meadowsilence struggles to be accepted with her disability. Moonfeather has dreams of a different clan. Moonfeather goes on a journey to find Moonclan, the closest clan to Starclan that was thought to be extinct. Meadowsilence falls in love with another warrior Foxpine, but cannot communicate with him. In a battle when her brother was going to be killed, she found her voice and called out to him and saved his life. She gets together with Foxpine and you know… Moonfeather returns but that's not her name anymore, she's MoonStar! Yay, everyone's happy, the end!


I have a fanfic that I wrote a few years ago about a forest with five Clans, GrassClan, PetClan (separate clan for kittypets who join the Clans), WaterClan, FireClan, and CloudClan.
There's a kittypet from PetClan who earned her name as Rosepaw (I was 9… don't critisize my warrior names), and she ran off to WaterClan pretending to be a ForestBorn who got lost as a kit. She earned a new name, Snowpool when everyone decided to make her a medicine cat. Then WaterClan and PetClan got into a huge war and Snowpool had to pick sides and in the end she decided to run off and form her own Clans and those were the Clans that the Warriors series begins with (ShadowClan, WindClan, ThunderClan, and RiverClan.) Snowpool married a random FireClan warrior and had four kits to start the Clans, then one day a stray kittypet decided to take over some land, which started SkyClan.
I know, my fanfics skills suck. But I was nine…
This Fanfic was written before the first Omen Of The Stars and way before anyone ever knew about Dawn Of The Clans…

@Spring group

ooooh this'll be fun– I have many many ships. my favorite non-canon ship is Mapleshade x Reedshine, I've made fanfiction, fan-art, and a whole AU dedicated to my love for these babes. my favorite canon ship is Firestar x Sandstorm, listen, I can't help but love this otp! it's cute and even though the didn't get a whole bunch of screen time after the first arc, whenever they were in scenes either background mentions or full on scenes together, they're so cute! I love it with all my hearttttttt <3 <3 <3 <3

Also I have multiple Warrior Cats avatars! My two main babies are –
Quailfeather - A massive fluffy grey she-cat with a white underbelly and violet eyes,
Gingerflake - A slim battle-scarred ginger-and-white she-cat with striking pink eyes and a torn ear and scared muzzle.

I do have their backstories but i've already typed enough–