forum Wanna play a dumb game I made up?
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

Guess that cool famous person! You can't say their appearance, age, name, or any works they featured in/characters they played. You must keep details vague but guessable. They must be real people. They can come from any media you like. You cannot use audio recordings, pictures, quotes, etc. as hints. You must write down everything in text instead. You may use three sentences. First one to guess gets bragging rights, but the point is to not have people know who your cool famous person is so if someone guesses, you lose.

Whoever guesses it first gets to be the guessee, the rest of you have to guess their famous cool person.

I'll start:

They are an openly gay artist and social justice activist. They operate on youtube. They have done a lot of work in acting.

Deleted user

Honestly all I can think of is Troye Sivan

Sorry! Wrong answer.

Deleted user

I'll give you another hint because I made the game, I can fuck with the rules: This person is married.

Deleted user

No, James Charles will never disgrace this website (hopefully). Guess again!