forum Wanna join an account on Wattpad?
Started by @TheGoldenLegend

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I made a new account on Wattpad and I really want it to be like Village_of_Strawhat, where multiple people can put down their stories and help edit the other participant's stories (With their permission).
If you're interested in joining and know you can update regularly, please ask :) I really want this project to flourish.

(Note- I have not put anything on the account yet because im still editing my story—– and I do have some rules for the account)

@faltering-through pets

oh wow, holy heck this sounds interesting and I would love to join but unfortunately, I don't have my story anywhere near being done and I also don't think I could update on it regularly either. I love the idea though, hopefully some people will take interest


Hey! This sounds SO interesting. I'm starting a few works of stories and need something to keep me from just stalling! If you are still interested, I would LOVE to do this. I may not be on a few days here and there but usually can be on daily.


Thank you for asking!! Updating story's every day is not mandatory, its not like we can all finish chapters in one day, including if their 10 pages each :)

I'll PM you the Password and some rules about the account (I only have a few at the moment)

Deleted user

This would be cool…. if I was comfortable with publishing my stories….
I would be interested though! I can do proofreading work… and I'm great for plot inspiration…


@Starlight-Unicorn, I know putting out stories for the world to read (including if you know your writing isn't the best) is uncomfortable. Its a feeling we must all overcome. No one will know you were the one that put the story up since there will be other people on the account with all their stories (in the future). You can, or you can not put your name in the title of the story… if you want to stay hidden

Right now I'm the only one on that account that has posted (and I'm still going over the published chapters and editing them).

I know one other account on Wattpad (Village_of_Strawhat) that has users that don't post anything, they're like moderators, they make sure other user update their story or whatnot (I don't know what they do because I'm not in that account).
However, having Moderators on this account right now will be somewhat useless because no other users are posting their stories(besides me).
Having Editors? I don't know if (whoever else join) the writers would feel comfortable with people critiquing/editing their story, I too feel uncomfortable about that. {{You can only edit stories if you have permissionn}}

I can still give all of you the account password if you all think you will (in the future) have stories to post. Right now I don't believe having Editors or Moderators will be any use.

@Reblod, to recap, you think you'll be able to update your story once a month?

Deleted user

Thanks for the encouragement! I think I needed that as a writer… Honestly I don't think I'm quite that far yet, but it is a goal eventually.