forum Walmart brand name game!
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people_alt 11 followers

@Nomadicd20 group

The Great surgeon

I am just going to add on a bit by saying
An amazing doctor who get misunderstood because of his mental disability, also he is super smart

I know. Great show.

Deleted user

A bunch of weird people and coffee.
Doctor Who (Classic show, specifically the Paul McGann/8th Doctor era.)

Deleted user

Han Solo (From the original movies, duh. "Use the Force, Luke, or whatever it is you call that weird space mumbo-jumbo!")

Deleted user

Whiny teen who becomes less whiny
Steven Moffat (Destroyer Of Worlds, murderer of basically all Doctor Who characters.)

Deleted user

(Loves to hate, you mean)
The argument central. Worse than Tumblr.