forum Wallpapers
Started by @Mojack group

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@Mojack group

Lately I’ve been interested in different kinds of wallpapers for devices and whatnot, so I thought I’d make a discussion for posting your favourite images of wallpapers here.

So basically what I said above - post your favourite wallpapers, or ones you really like.

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This is my wallpaper right now, a picture I took of some ripples at a lake near me…

It works best on a desktop, or for what I’m using it for, which is my email background.

@Kie group

(How do people have like,, actual backgrounds?? I just use pictures of the sky I take which is pretty lame)

@Mojack group

(My background on my iPad has just been the same for close to 2 years, its art of one of my characters that someone did for me a while ago and I treasure it very much. Most of what I put here is just stuff that makes me go…hmmm yes background material. I’ll post mine here in a moment though lol)

@Mojack group

This is what my backgrounds been for close to two years

And this was what it was before those two years

(Same character, different artist)
I treasure both of those very, very much and posting these pictures has told me I need to make a character page for Suturusu on here right this moment

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(i feel like my stuff is more on the horror side of things, but im okay with that)

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Pretty much the most used wallpapers for me.

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Yess!! Legend of Zelda is one of my all-time favorite game series, and Assassination Classroom is my favorite anime.

@Anemone eco

(Nice! Legend of Zelda is also one of my favourite game series! I was practically backflipping when Breath of the Wild came out lol. )
(Honestly though, Assassination Classroom was great! The ending was really good!)

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(Lol same though. My brother and I pre-ordered the game and split the cost. Totally worth it. Yess! It was soo perfect. I just loved Nagisa's ending so much!!)

@d-r-e-a-m-s-e-q-u-e-n-c-e group

~ desktops~
my current wallpaper, as i'm typing this
i also found this absolutely beautiful still of a kickthepj video that was my wallpaper for a few months
this popped up in my pinterest feed when corona started to become a big deal so i had it for a bit then
i'll be back with mobile wallpapers lol

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Lol those are awesome. Love the My Neighbor Totoro one.

@d-r-e-a-m-s-e-q-u-e-n-c-e group

~mobile wallpapers~ (im sorry theyre so huge)
a friend of mine
good ol crankgameplays
the rest are pretty self-explanatory lol
^^if anyone's interested, i have the other three ddlc girls' wallpapers like this one, i can post them here too lmao