forum Video games, anyone?
Started by @Becfromthedead group

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@Becfromthedead group

Didn't see a chat about this yet, so here I am.
Here's a little list of some of the games I'm into:
Fire Emblem, Animal Crossing, Skyrim, Stardew Valley, L.A. Noire, Pokemon

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Not many people on this site into video games, huh? Well, that's just stupid.

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True, I like Pokemon and Animal Crossing a lot actually

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Far Cry Franchise, Halo, Elder Scrolls, Infamous, Prototype, CoD, anime games.

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Also, can I just say how stupid it is that whenever I mention I like Nintendo, people treat me like some little sh!t and say Playstation is better. I don't care which console you are on. I personally don't like the Xbox One, but I won't hate on someone for liking it

@Becfromthedead group

I'm a Nintendo person. I have never owned a console that wasn't Nintendo. PS is cool, but they don't have Animal Crossing, Pokemon, or Fire Emblem. (Fire Emblem is probably my favorite franchise, btw).


I prefer watching people play long, story-driven video games, while I play mostly multiplayer kid-friendly nostalgia games. So, my favorite games to watch others play are Legend of Zelda, Kingdom Hearts, Last of Us, Final Fantasy, etc. While I mostly just play super smash bros, mario kart, and old gamecube games.

@Becfromthedead group

Oh, yeah, I've played some Legend of Zelda games. They're a lot of fun. I've also played smash and Mario Kart a good bit. I'm pretty solid at MK, but I'm awful at Smash and other fighting games.

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I've recently gotten myself addicted to breath of the wild

@Becfromthedead group

I haven't played that one yet, but I've heard it's really good. I got a Switch about three weeks ago after trading a ton of old games and consoles in, so I still only have like 4 games on it. I really want to get Breath of the Wild and Fire Emblem Warriors, but the games are all so expensive…


Ooh, I'm a fan of video games! I kind of have to be, considering I'm a developer myself.


I play Battlefront a lot, I also like Pokemon*, and my brother has like 7 lego video games that I play with him a lot . I've always wanted to play Portal but I can never find a freaking copy for my console

*I have White 2 and I'm surprisingly bad at Pokemon (I didn't know that was possible lol). I'm on my way to battle the elite four, but I have to get up this cliff that's an absolute maze. Everyone there is a lot stronger than I am, and I keep getting lost on my way up, so all of my pokemon faint before i can get to the top. I haven't played in months because it's just so frustrating


It's White Version 2, and my team is:
Level 54 Arcanine
Level 57 Samurott
Level 53 Zebstrika
Level 53 Unfezant
Level 61 Zoroark
Level 53 Haxorus*

*I spent like an hour trying to catch the Haxorus because my brother told me he was really powerful (I mean he's a dragon type, so), but he's practically useless. His moves are terrible and I don't think there's a way to get him any better moves?

I tried to make my team pretty balanced, but if you have any suggestions that'd be great

If I leveled up my team some more I'm sure I would be fine, but I thought that level 50 was supposed to be high enough to get through the game? Maybe I imagined that.

@Becfromthedead group

Ahhh, sorry. I don’t know. I haven’t played through Black/White. The only one of those I’m really familiar with is Arcanine, and while I used it on my team for a while, it didn’t make the final cut, partially because single-type Pokemon tend to not do as well.


@FormerPeach Buddy, Haxorus can be utterly broken if you know how to use it right! In fact, there's an important trainer later on that gives it a Life Orb. I'm not familiar with Black/White 2, but Haxorus has some very good TM moves and there are some great level-up moves if you go from its preevolution Fraxure.


Fire Emblem is fantastic for strategy, though I would recommend the newer 3DS games as they are easier on newcomers.

@Becfromthedead group

Yes, I'm newer to the franchise (my first game was Awakening), and it's mostly user friendly if you do a newer game. Of the 3DS titles, I like Echoes and Awakening best for different reasons.


I used to love playing things like epic mickey power of 2 and such on my wii before it broke, I haven't really had any other consoles except i have a ds and and old broken xbox, I can play Assasins Creed black flag on there and I playes through Army of 2 and I love them, Ive played overwatch at my friends place and I love it! I also love mario cart as well I play it on my ds. I'm saving for a consol but I'm unsure of what I'll get yet