forum Vibe check other users!
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people_alt 57 followers

Deleted user

Tag a user you wanna vibe check (give a description of their v i be)


THAT nerdy kid of the group that’s super sweet and whose vibes are super wholesome and friendly. Not quite mom friend vibes but Good Friend to Vent to if Mom Friend(tm) is unavailable.

@HighPockets group

D: thanks Mom!
THAT person that intimidates you a bit at first but is actually super sweet on the inside, like a sarcastic marshmallow <3


@Gentleman (i may be entirely off base here, actually, but it is a vibe check)

that guy you know who always shows up to school dressed way nicer than everyone else–not to be confused with the kid who wore a suit every day–and is always weirdly respectful, opening doors for people and things, but is also a total chaotic mess when he's with his friends. all while talking like a gifted kid


@Crunch I know you're obviously already following this but like
Wine mom who doesn't take people's shit
Your children are terrified of you but also love you
Fear is respect respect is power

I summarized because I didn't want to copy paste lol


@Gentleman (i may be entirely off base here, actually, but it is a vibe check)

that guy you know who always shows up to school dressed way nicer than everyone else–not to be confused with the kid who wore a suit every day–and is always weirdly respectful, opening doors for people and things, but is also a total chaotic mess when he's with his friends. all while talking like a gifted kid

This is startingly accurate. And I feel honored. (I'll respond more adequately tomorrow, when I'm actually functioning at normal brain capacity and not struggling to retain consciousness at 2:00 AM.)


Fren vibes, the one who takes zero shits
Like Emi but we're less terrified of you
Also a tiny ball of rage

Well this tiny ball of rage is going to tackle you with a hug if we ever run into each other irl