forum Vent/Rant/Get Advice-ish
Started by @rebelwithareadingproblem

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So..I talked to that one girl I mentioned and she confirmed that they didn't cheat and she explained as much as she could. I told her as clingy as it seems that I'm still gonna ask him about it because that morning everything seemed fine, as fine as everything had been, which wasn't perfect but a breakup was pretty far out there in my mind.. she said to wait a few long do ya'll think I should wait??


How tho?? Like I don't wanna be one of those needy ppl that are just like Why did you break up with me?in a whiny voice I just.. idk I don't like not knowing, it's one of my biggest annoyances..


I usually a pretty straight forward person, or I avoid things like they're the black plague. Can I just not be straight anymore?? guys are kinda(hella) disappointing (No offense!! XD )


I just kinda wanna know how much of it was an act.. I thought myself to be a pretty convincing actress but..damn it's hard to keep a game face up, and I wanna talk to him about this sh*t outside of school but my parents are so protective that there's no way they would let me


His phone isn't working, I know it's actually not bc one of my friends tried to call him(before the breakup) and it was like "This number is not in service blah blah blah"


Why'd you change your username back @ThatBackgroundSlytherin ?? XD
I'm totally slayin' and I got some new clothes and I gave him back his stuff and took my stuff back (I already said that didn't I?) and I'm wearing makeup and I'm going to put silver highlights in my hair, or dye it half silver and leave half blonde(gradient: from light at the middle to solid silver at the bottom)