forum Vampire lore
Started by Lacey Kat

people_alt 4 followers


Oh… I got you…

Vampire lore depends on the region… But the "vampire" in it's basest for comes from the Slavic and Romanian "strigoi" or "nosferatu" if you will…

Powers range from superhuman strength, to shapeshifting into wolves, cats, crows, owls, clouds of haze and swarms of nasty things, to walking on vertical and upside-down surfaces, and being near-impossible to kill…

They could be repulsed by garlic, communion bread and/or wine, daylight, or holy artifacts, as well as poppy seeds, or simply nsiling them into their coffin, as well as placing a brick in their mouth. But could only be killed by decapitation, implement, burning, and scattering their ashes in a crossroads or across running water.

As far as characteristics go… Nocturnality, "overwhelming malevolence", predatory nature, and being bloated and ruddy, were all signs of vampirism!


They also have an overwhelming need to count things, and they have to be welcomed into a building to be able to enter. Though, it's unclear what a building is supposed to be. A castle? A home? A tent? I dunno.