forum Urban Legends
Started by @SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

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@Katastrophic group

In my local area we have ghostlights. These appear on dark highways when you drive alone at night. They look like a car somewhere in front of you, but after a while they lead you off a bridge or into a tree. Apparently this actually happened to someone, they got tired and weren't paying attention and just following the "car" in front of them, until they landed in an icy river and the lights disapeared.
~spooky ghost noises~ 'o'

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

I started a wip (that's on hold) that has something to do with an in-story urban legend.

The lore is that where he goes, fog follows. He always uses an axe as his choice of weapon, and always takes the head of his victims.

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(Is it too late? eh, I got some from my country)
So, here in El Salvador we got a crap ton of urban legends that are pretty much part of our folklore, such as the Siguanaba (a woman that was so pretty she ended up ignoring her husband and child, the husband was the son of the god Tlaloc, he punished her to become ugly and crazy), she pretty much appears as a pretty woman but once you get close she either looks awful and some even say she looks like a horse´s skull, some version says she appears in front of men who aren´t loyal to their partners or drunk people on the night, then there´s her son, El Cipitio, a kid with backwards feet and a big freaking belly who wears a giant hat, eats ashes and is some sort of tricksters that annoys women.

There are more "urban" stuff, like a cart (La carreta chillone or the weeping cart) that is driven by a headless man or by itself, some say it carries headless corpses, the legend goes that it comes after women who enjoy gossip and that if you hear it at night you should never see it or else it´ll take you too, and one of my favorites, La Descarnada (the fleshless woman), who is a hitchhiker that looks like a pretty girl and appears on the night (some say to drunk men, other say she appears to anyone who passes by late, or unfaithful guys), she´ll start to take off her skin and flesh at some point on the ride.

People claim to see them, never got any experience witht theam and they are just urban legends to me but still, they are part of our culture to the point people dress up as them on any event that celebrates salvadoran culture.

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We also have El Cadejo, a black dog that represents evil (some say that dog was made by the devil) who is there to haunt and cause fear on people, part of the legend also talks about a white dog that´s the opposite and is there to protect you.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

We have a different version of that actually. Basically there's two dogs fighting and one is blacker than night and the other is whiter than snow, and the one that will win is the one you choose to feed. Basically a metaphor on either choose to be good or bad, but whatever you dwell in most is what you will become.

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I feel like most urban legends from my country were created after the spanish colonization so that also shaped some stuff

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You just gave me inspiration for something, FREAKING thank you!!!

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A little short story I been trying to figure out for months

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Yeah, two paranormal investigators traveling around the USA in the early 2000s