forum Unsolved Mysteries
Started by @ClownB*tch eco

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@Starfast group

Ok serious response time because I freaking love true crime/ unsolved mysteries. I'll try to share some of my favourites that aren't talked about that much.

  • Bashir Kouchacji/ L'Enfant: It's crazy to me that no one talks about this one because it's so creepy? Basically this guy Bashir Kouchacji owned this popular restaurant and one day he started getting threatening phone calls at his restaurant. The voice sounded like a child so they started calling it "L'Enfant." The FBI eventually got involved and they recorded over 3000 calls in 18 months, sometimes getting calls within 2 minutes of each other (which led them to believe that multiple people were involved). There was also no distinct pattern in where the calls were being made from.
    Eventually Bashir had to admit himself to a psychiatric hospital because of the amount of calls he was getting. He still got calls after being admitted, as did the man who took over as the restaurant's manager. In 1993, he was still getting calls at least 7 times a week.
    No one knows who is behind it, but before all this happened Bashir was living in Lebanon and was abducted by armed men who accused him of being CIA and tortured him. He still doesn't know who the abductors were, but it's a theory that they're behind the calls.
    TLDR: Guy gets an insane amount of threatening phone calls and has no idea why he's being targeted.

  • Balraj Rattu: This one is also crazy to me because it happened in my area and no one ever talks about it. The only reason I found out about it was from researching the Bashir Kouchacji case. Anyways, so this happened in November 1995, Balraj Rattu was out with some friends, getting a beer. He went missing and the following day a woman called his house at 1am and said "Raj, you were beaten up" before laughing and hanging up. The next day another woman called the house and Balraj's father picked up. The woman told him that Raj was dead and hung up. 3 Days after Balraj went missing, his car was found completely burnt in a city over an hour away from where he was last seen. There were bloody clothes found in the car, but Balraj's body has never been found. The callers are thought to be 2 different people but their identity is still unknown. Police think it was foul play, since Balraj didn't have any kind of criminal history or ties to gangs.
    TLDR: A guy goes missing and his family got some weird phone calls from two unknown women. His car was found but his body never was.

  • Magdalena Zuk: Magdalena and her boyfriend Markus were supposed to go on a trip to Egypt together but since her boyfriend's passport had expired, she went by herself. Shortly after arriving in Egypt, she began behaving really strangely. She texted her family saying "Where are you? Come to me?" She was eventually taken to a hospital after being found unconscious in the hotel, however she was not treated (It's not clear why, but sources say either because the hospital couldn't treat mental illnesses). Markus helped her book a flight back to her hometown in Poland, but Magda wasn't able to board the plane due to her erratic behaviour and was also not allowed back at the hotel. She tried to find another hotel to stay at, and in the parking lot of one of these hotels she Facetimed Markus. During the call, Markus asks her what happened, but Magda says she can't tell him. Markus keeps trying to get information from her and eventually she just says "M." Magda was taken to another hospital after this, where she jumped out of the window and fell two stories. She was taken to a different hospital, but died shortly after.
    There's a lot of really wild theories for this one. Some people think that she just had some kind of breakdown (although her family says she has no history of mental illness). Some also speculate that she was drugged (which would explain why she was unconscious). Other people think that Markus had something to do with it and that he was the "M" that Magda was referring to. There's theories that he was part of a human trafficking ring but he also did a lot to try to help Magda get back to Poland. Another theory is that "M" refers to an employee named Mahmoud who worked for the travel agency that Magda had been with. Apparently he has a history of drugging women. He was also present when Magda Facetimed with Markus and people think that the reason why she wasn't saying anything was because she was afraid to talk in front of him. Some people even think that Madga was pushed from the window and Mahmoud was the one who did it because he was part of a trafficking ring and he was trying to silence her.
    TLDR: Girl goes on a trip to Egypt, and starts behaving weirdly. Her boyfriend tries to get her to come home but she ends up hospitalized and later dies after falling from a window. It may or may not have been suicide.

There's so many more that I was going to talk about but seeing as though this post is already pretty long I'll just stop for now.

@Starfast group

I will singlehandedly keep this thread alive bc I love this stuff. I'm super tired, but here's quick one before I go to bed:

Flannan Isles Lighthouse Mystery: In 1900, the Flannan Isles Lighthouse was being manned by 3 men named James Ducat, Thomas Marshall, and Donald MacArthur. On December 26th a boat arrived at the island, providing relief to the 3 lighthouse keepers. When the crew of the boat arrived on the island, none of the men came out to greet them, the flagstaff had no flag, and none of the preparations had been made at the dock for the boat.
A man named Joseph Moore who was the replacement keeper went inside the lighthouse to investigate. He found plates that still had food on them, a clock which had stopped working, unmade beds, and an overturned chair. He also found that two of the three coats that had belonged to the lighthouse keepers were missing.
They checked out the logbook for any clues as to what had happened to the 3 men. An entry on December 12 written by Marshall wrote that there was "severe winds" and that MacArthur had been crying but Ducat had been quiet. This is kind of weird since the 3 men were all seasoned seafarers, but the weirdest part was that there was actually no storms on that day. The next few entries detailed more storms even though it would have been clear until the 17th. The last entry in the logbook was written on December 15th and just said "Storm ended, sea calm. God is over all."
One theory suggests that the logbook entries were fake and that the men were swept away by a wave while trying to secure some belongings. I feel like this one kind of explains the most things, but the door to the lighthouse had been locked when Moore came to investigate. There's other theories to this one as well, but most of them don't really hold up.

@ClownB*tch eco

ok so my original plan wat to theorize here but even just these summaries of the stories are so interesting

i forget all the details in the case of Jon Bennet (i cant spell for my life sorry) and I was telling someone about it today, which is what reminded me that i forgot all the details of why the pineapple in her stomach was s weird so if someone could just go over her case that would be amazing