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@HighPockets group

  • Authors need to work on balancing the line of 'killing with purpose' and 'killing for shock'. Rogue One cast? Killed with purpose. Finnick Odair and Fred Weasley? Killed for shock.

Deleted user

Here's my list:

  • Furries are cool!
  • Thor: Ragnarok was insignificant and out of character for the entire cast
  • Bruce Banner is insignificant
  • Mark Ruffalo is ugly
  • Black Widow deserves her own movie
  • The new Star Wars movies were really good!
  • The actor who plays Fin, however, is not.
  • Clintasha. Enough said.

@HighPockets group

  • Percy Weasley should have died instead of Fred. I will die before I take back that opinion.
  • Rick Riordan's newer stuff isn't that good.
  • Jason Grace is a boring character
  • Calypso/Leo is a shoehorned and boring ship. Would it have killed Leo to be single??!!
  • If a person says that a book/TV show/movie is 'forcing an agenda' it basically means 'this isn't about me and it's making me uncomfortable' thanks for coming to my TED Talk
  • There's nothing wrong with focusing on the female characters in a universe (Forces of Destiny, Women of the Galaxy) especially when it's a universe that has 'traditionally' been mostly male


• RWBY doesn't need any other canon ships
• Lotor's betrayal in VLD is bad writing (literally everyone predicted it)
• mixed race people can look white
• nobody cares about how much you hate The Last Jedi
• Darth Revan should be canonically female (play Knights of the Old Republic before looking this up)
• Ahsoka doesn't need a love interest
• being diverse =/= having good writing
• drugs aren't harmless


I agree with a lot of these especially the "RWBY doesn't need more ships", "pineapple pizza is good", "being diverse doesn't immediately equal good writing", and "Black Widow needs her own movie" opinions. My unpopular opinions are:

Keith and Lance really aren't that cute of a couple
Peanut butter is the most disgusting substance on the planet
Banana Laffy Taffys are the best Laffy Taffys
Speaking of Laffy Taffys, the jokes on them aren't bad
PewDiePie is awful
Mint is poison
Barbecue sauce is evil
.GIF is pronounced more like "jif" not "gift"
Maple syrup is like a bottle of sadness
Flat plains covered in sunflowers are SO much prettier than mountains. Actually, scratch that, flat plains are simply SO MUCH prettier than mountains.
Snakes are really freaking cute!
Miraculous Ladybug is not the best kids show. Little Witch Academia is better. (The Japanese version at least, the English dubs are kinda painful IMHO)
Opossums are quite possibly the best, cutest animals in the world next to snakes and sand cats
Just because I don't ship your incredibly forced gay OTP doesn't mean I'm a homophobe
RWBY's villains aren't as bad as everyone says they are
DeviantArt is the worst art website in the world

Feel free to judge me I don't care.

@Mercury Beta Tester

  • Severus Snape is overrated (And people need to stop shipping him with Harry or Hermione…)
  • Lapidot sucks, is overrated, and is not canon
  • The manga is virtually always better than the anime
  • It's annoying when there's an extreme fanbase around a particular character or ship, especially if there's an overreaction to said character's death (Though this is understandable if the death is meant to help someone else or if the character is a minority/traditionally oppressed - it's incredibly common for women, ethnic minorities and gay people to be killed to motivate the protagonist(s))

Quick edit:

  • Benedict Cumberbatch and Adam Driver aren't attractive and I don't get why people fawn over them


-RWBY ends up telling a better story through music rather than writing
-RWBY voice acting can be kinda hit-or-miss
-So was the VA in Xenoblade Chronicles 2
-Frosted Pop-Tarts are gross
-Things can be cool and stupid at the same time (just look at Gurren Lagan)
-Poetry is based on structure, not "feeling"
-In that same vein, free-verse poetry is for people like me who can't rhyme
-Out of the four elements, Earth is the best one by far, especially considering the general landscape
-Why don't more main characters use hammers? It's always gotta be a sword, why not a hammer?!
-American game developers don't usually make quality games like foreign developers, especially American devs trying to make ALL OF THE MONEY.
-Metal and rock are unequivocally the best genres in music (including whatever goofy subgenre you can think of)

Deleted user


I hate Miraculous Ladybug. It gets too much attention for being a kid’s show.

Deleted user

I tried watching some earlier episodes and Miraculous was just too goofy and episodic for my tastes. I'd much rather watch shows like Avatar and Steven Universe. Plus, my standards are very high when it comes to 3D animation, and miraculous doesn't impress me despite looking better than most 3D cartoons.

Deleted user

did someone say avatar

Sadly, I've only watched a few episodes, but it is definitely a pretty good show.


.Miraculous Ladybug isn't the best show, The Librarians and Psych are.
.Harry Potter is overrated.
.I'm too lazy to play Minecraft. I just watch Minecraft videos.
.Roblox is mediocre.

@HighPockets group

  • Ben Solo and Rey are better characters than Jacen and Jaina Solo
  • Holdo was right not to tell Poe the plan (I could legit write an essay about this but I'm not gonna)
  • 'It's gay!' =/= good ship
  • Ben Platt's voice isn't that good.
  • Very unpopular opinion but……..Angelica is my least favorite Schuyler sister and I don't 100% ship Lams. Like, I ship it, but I ship Hamliza more.
  • Star Wars: Resistance is a good show
  • Amren should have been aro, ace, and agender.
  • Kaider is the TLC ship I'm least invested in
  • Lux Bonteri isn't a bad character, and Luxsoka isn't a bad ship (this is coming from a Barrissoka shipper, too)
  • Jyn and Cassian's beach hug is more romantic than any sex scene in ACOTAR
  • Tamlin isn't as bad as the fandom makes him out to be

@HighPockets group

Dumbledore was a terrible person, he knew Harry was being neglected and abused yet did nothing about it.

also he let the fate of the world rest on an 11 y/o's shoulders and didn't tell aid 11 y/o he was going to die???

He lied to Remus about Sirus too!

Also I feel like most people are like "But Dumbledore is better than Snape!!!" but like…..unless you're on Tumblr, people don't defend what Snape does. I like Snape as a character but accept that he's a crappy person. I have never once seen someone in real life excuse what Snape does, even with his backstory. We acknowledge that he had a bad backstory and that it screwed him up, but we don't excuse his actions. But with Dumbledore people are so quick to defend him for what he does that I feel like they don't even think about what he actually did (and by that I do not mean Grindelwald)

Deleted user

tbh I think my main issue with the new star wars movies is that they focus too much on older characters to please the crowd rather than focusing on characters like Rey and Kylo. I found those two far more fun to be around in comparison to Luke or Leia, and C3PO is just there for no reason

@HighPockets group

tbh I think my main issue with the new star wars movies is that they focus too much on older characters to please the crowd rather than focusing on characters like Rey and Kylo. I found those two far more fun to be around in comparison to Luke or Leia, and C3PO is just there for no reason

I love all of the characters, they're so awesome!

Deleted user

•new York city sounds crowded and NOT FUN.
• just bc you’re LGBTQ doesn’t mean you’re a good person!!! (Ofc you can be good and lgbt but it’s not like a garuntee.)