forum Umm... Am I the Only One Who Doesn’t Like Popular Music?
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Deleted user

Okay, this includes musicals, such as HAMILTON i do understand how one would like it, but musicals aint my thing.


I’m not trying to ridicule, I just want to meet others who are frusturated with the pop culture as I am.

@Becfromthedead group

Yes, I'm here. And I hate how when I try to bring this up, I've literally had people mock me like, "Oh, I don't like mainstream stuff. I'm sooooo cool."
Uhhhhh please let me listen to my 90s grunge in peace.

Deleted user

Yes, I'm here. And I hate how when I try to bring this up, I've literally had people mock me like, "Oh, I don't like mainstream stuff. I'm sooooo cool."
Uhhhhh please let me listen to my 90s grunge in peace.

Saaaaaaaaaaame yesss

@HighPockets group

I like musicals, but besides Hamilton all the ones I like are like niche ones, not massive ones, and to be honest I would've loved Hamilton even if it wasn't popular because I'm a history buff with a special love for the American Revolution. My friends like K-Pop and yeah I can listen to it, but I listen to music for the lyrics and the beat, and the lyrics being in another language is a dealbreaker for me. I mostly listen to Broadway, instrumental movie scoring, and Disney/animated kid's movie film songs.

Deleted user

Also, whenever a K-Pop meme or whatever shows up, can you not help rolling your eyes?

Because that’s the exact thing i do

@HighPockets group

I can literally sing better than some of the mainstream singers

Honestly same and I'm not even that good. Once my friends and I got into a debate about The Greatest Showman and I said I didn't like Rewrite The Stars because I think it's weak and cliche and Zac Efron's voice isn't that good and I legitamently listed 10 singers (all Broadway I think) who sing better than him and they were awestruck.

@Becfromthedead group

My only problem with K-pop is that my friend who likes k-pop I'm not really friends with anymore? Like she wasn't the best person to begin with, and literally every other sentence that came out of her mouth was about k-pop. And also I'm not into shipping band members together, which seems to be a widespread thing there, not to say other genres don't do it. I like music in other languages, but I mostly listen to music in English anyway.

Deleted user

If you wanna check out underrated artists Woodkid’s The Golden Age album is super good.

@Becfromthedead group

Also can we talk about the concept of "star quality" and how people will favor that over actual talent? I mean like charisma, looks (which we already mentioned), style, poise, etc. Why are those so much more important than having the best voice? Other than said singer not being a terrible person, I don't care about star quality, just about good music.


I think singing quality is the most important. Like, I need music to work, so I'll be like doing algebra and not staring at the said artist's face

@Becfromthedead group

The only issue is that a lot of the music I listen to either gets me moving or moves me emotionally to the point I'm almost driven to tears. So I listen to music while I work; it pumps me up. But… oof. Good music just does something to me that's hard to explain. I'm sitting in bed listening to Brandi Carlile, and I almost started sobbing because she's an angel.

@HighPockets group

I like Broadway/Theatre shows because there is no autotune. You go up there and sing and it's good or it's not, there's no chance to mess around and change your voice.