forum um?? so like i discovered what is this called like gothic aesthetic????
Started by @flora.books

people_alt 36 followers


i was on pinterest and suddenly tons of posts came up that were like "ohio gothic" or like "american public school gothic" and it was like lists of creeeepy night vale type stuff?? am i the only one who didn't know about this?? can someone pLease explain what the heck this is bc i love it what


omg so its basically like taking normal things and yeah, putting a nightvale esque twist on them. look up american public school gothic if you can, because that one's about spot on


I've been having a scandalous affair with the Gothic aesthetic for a while now, I think my favorite is neon Gothic, southern Gothic or the sinfully beautiful neon southern Gothic. But to answer your question yeah the term Gothic in this context doesn't really have a definition so much as it is a sort of je ne sais quoi of an almost otherworldly eeriness in the most unexpected places. I think a lot of it's definition is kinda that in ability to be properly defined, a great Gothic aesthetic is the one you can't really describe, like it's an emotion, but not a word.
I love it- anyway yes welcome to the club, it's good to have you.


Um yeah the "gothic" genre of writing has actually been around for quite some time. I'm sure you're all somewhat familiar with Edgar Allen Poe and some of his writings. He may not be the best portrayal of this style but he was indeed writing it and mainstream enough for most to correspond the two.


I mean if it's a state its a Gothic, to be honest pretty much the whole mainland USA has got this dark and supernatural vibe to it if you come across it at the right time. but here's the even more wonderful thing, if you can't find it- you can just make it up
just take all the strange and silent of what you know and let your primitive sense of horror do the rest
I've actually spent a lot of a time in Wisconsin so let me take a whack at it
Wisconsin Gothic is is night black, you drive down a country road and your headlights awaken the pale brown skeletons of wood woven around the fallen moments of fence posts and rusted barbed wire. you look out the window and she the flat cold sheet of ice glowing a faint milk white light and turn your head away, afraid to look for too long because it feels like looking into a mirror by candlelight, as if some monster will morph from your face and confront you with the reflection. You pass a car with it's brights on, you would complain but, you know the driver is not human, maybe you're not either. you know that you're alone here. The houses you pass every few miles are empty, white wooden shells for ghosts to stand motionless in and watch you dive by their windows. You can hear the wind outside your car, you can hear it moan and whimper but everything is still, the wind is not blowing only moaning an ancient song into the blackness of the sky. You become a acutely aware that you have interrupted something hallowed. dairy cows stand still in their fields, their hooves frozen into the flawless alabaster floor, they watch you as you drive past them, their eyes light up green and then just as quickly return to darkness.
See, easy.

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or like those posts that are like
The noises in the dark won't bother you so long as they don't know where you are
Never go inside the abandoned cabin on the outskirts of the woods


never turn your back on a cornfield at night
when you go to the gas station breakfast nooks, keep your head down- don't make eye contact with the locals
The only goes in your house is you

(and that corn one is irl advice cause once the once the sungoes down those things are spooky af)

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If you hear something in the attic, find somewhere else to sleep. You don't want to know what happens at night in the attic