forum Uhhhhhh...
Started by @chicken-nugget-unicorns

people_alt 5 followers

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Johnny Johnny
Yes papa?
Eating s-s (du du duo , du du do do, du du do, ) eating shugar?
No no papa pa paa paa pa pa no no pa pa pa paa paa pa pa
Telling l-li- do doo doo du do du do du
Telling lies?

Deleted user

Johnny du du duu doo doo do doo
Johnny do do du du do duu dou

@HighPockets group

grandpa shark doo doo doo doo doo doo grandpa shark doo doo doo doo doo doo grandpa shark doo doo doo doo doo doo grandpa shark

CPR do do do do do do CPR do do do do do do CPR do do do do do do CPR

Deleted user

At my old church camp (ugh) we used to sing the shark song and after the verse where you died , it was
Swim to jesus (do do do do do do do do)
Swim to jesuss (do do do do do do)
Go to heaven (do do do do do do)
Party with god (do do do do do )

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Peel the potato
Peel peel the potatoe
MASH potato
MASH MASH potato

@HighPockets group

I like one I did called Totus Tuis because we actually talked about religion, and didn't just reread Bible stories for the 50th time. Vacation Bible School was good at this one program and really bad at another.

Deleted user

Oh i used to do totus tuus. “ToTaLlY YoUrS” i hated it bc they made us go to mass every day RIGHT before lunch and then pray an entire rosary before we could eat.

@HighPockets group

Oh mine was for an hour and a half at night we just chilled and ate a crap ton of junk food. And played outside sports and had a talk each night by a team member. One was a recovering addict and her story was VERY emotional and I cried. Also I did the teen one so they're probably different but my mom runs a kids one at her church during the summer.