forum Twenty One Pilots
Started by @ThatBackgroundSlytherin

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Honestly Regional at Best and Vessel are the best albums. I love Truce, Semi-Automatic, and Glowing Eyes. They're really helpful for mental illness and stuff.


Sorry guys I got kicked off last night by my mom who found out I was listening to them…..
Can just kinda vent?

What happened?


Well…we went downstairs and she got her phone and we listened to a couple songs. She called them depressing and junk. I felt like crying. She said she didn't see how this would help me get through this but it does…it does…


Oh, I'm really sorry she doesn't understand. I know how much you love them and their songs really do help, you don't need a parent to tell you what makes you feel good.


Thank you that really helps…
I think her thing with it is that she doesn't realize that no matter how much she wants to, she can't help me. That's what bothers her is that she's not the one with the answers. And they just help me realize that I can make it through and that I'm not alone in this….
Thanks for listening and understanding….


Of course, and you're not alone. Everyone has different coping mechanisms, and I think she doesn't like the music because to her, it doesn't seem like it helps, but music to me is like medicine and it is for like 90% of the world. You do you, my dude.

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I can relate to that, in a way. My mom tries to help me by trying to force me to talk to her about my emotions but that just makes things so much worse because she always criticizes me when I tell her how I feel. Like one time I told her that I was upset because people weren't respecting my boundaries for physical contact (which means when I get anxious, I don't want to be touched at all) and she told me that I needed to stop being a whiny little bitch and just deal with it.


Of course. Writers/homies help writers/homies. Always.
gives chicken nugget shaped like tyler joseph