forum Trigger List
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people_alt 55 followers

Deleted user

Hey, this is just in case, but I don't want to accidentally trigger anyone when I talk, so I decided to make this! List your triggers like so:

The Name Max
the Name Tokemi
Toxic relationships
being scolded in a parental fashion
big letters

(Feel free to update your lists at any times!)

Deleted user

Guns/weapons {especially pistols, as I had one aimed at me}
Child abuse
Being called a f!g and/or d!ke
Car crashes {sometimes I'm okay}
Being called a hypocrite and/or 'horrible'
Comments on my self harm, weight or mental health

@saor_illust school

okay, most of what mir and ella listed-
but like, in general people just randomly pming me to tell me i'm horrible or something, that- yea
and i think that's it as of today but- yea-

@ClownB*tch eco

ah yes time to copy and paste from my word document

here we go:
• being laughed at
• my opinions being denied
• told i'm wrong without any knowledge of my opinion
• being ignored in a 'your opinion/topic is not valid' way
• being shut down
• someone upset for me not apologizing immediately
• someone rejects my apology
• making people extremely upset or they seem very upset
• suicide, especially that of a friend (even if just mentioned, doesn’t have to happen) also goes for eating disorders as stated later
• blood but this went away a bit after I started cof cof
• vomit f*ck my mental health rn got worse just now just by writing that
• rape
• people other than me having eating disorders
• being told I’m guilt tripping
• guilt tripping
• being told im invalidating you for agreeing or having anxiety
• being told to eat food
• crying hysterical crying that is, the younger the person the worse it is for me (circles back to the 11th one…)
• eating dinner at a table/with other people
• lying to avoid hanging out
• suddenly leaving a conversation
• people talking about good childhood memories
• being yelled at for not knowing hat a functional family is like
• people complaining about their parents being so terrible because one time their parents got a tiny bit angry at them
• being literally yelled at, I don’t mean scolded like all the other times ive said ‘yelled at’ and I also don’t mean having someone raise their voice at me
• hiccups or burps (again ties back to 11)
• the song “Hurts Like Hell” it’s kinda a bop but it ties back to #9 (I had 3 suicidal friends and the song says “I loved and I loved and I lost you” 3 times in a row and when I hear it a literally see my friends committing suicide soooo…. But luckly one of those people was terrible and is out of my life now and the other two are better now)
• people telling me what I can/cannot wear or do
• being called an f slur
• snow/slush on roads, specifically when im in a car and even more so at night
• people quietly sitting in a room with me while I do stuff (thanks dad)
• ambulances and more specifically being threatened that one will be called on me (thanks dad)
• people telling me I don’t let them have emotions (thanks dad and stepmom)
• being told I’m bad for wanting to help my mental health (thanks dad)
• being blamed for others’ problems (thank dad and stepmom)
• being told I’m bad for not being able to handle living with my dad (thanks dad)
• having crushes cuz that has legit never worked out in my life before
• abusive relationships (thanks ex who will remain unnamed cuz she uses this site)
• making phone calls (thanks ex who will remain unnamed cuz she uses this site)
• leaving voicemails (thanks ex who will remain unnamed cuz she uses this site)
• calling people multiple times in one day (thanks ex who will remain unnamed cuz she uses this site)
• gaslighting (thanks dad)
• ignoring mental health (thanks dad)
• hating my dad (thanks dad)
• self harming myself triggers me so that’s great (thanks best friend who will remain unnamed cuz she uses this site)

the worst part is sometimes i accidentally trigger myself tho i also do i purposely when im in really a bad place, sorry that was so long probably not even all of them tbh i just don't want to dig that deep into my mind