forum Totally not a Forum Game...
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

people_alt 5 followers


Male or Female! The mental game!

Do not reveal your actual gender. If your username is something like "MissGirlyPants",that's fine. That's your punishment for choosing the cringy name "MissGirlyPants".

Bear in mind that there are LGBTQ+ people, so don't just limit yourself to male and female.

If somebody guesses your username wrong, it is NOT the end of the world. That person took a guess. It's FINE.

It's nothing that really needs explaining,
just guess if the person above you is a boy or a girl.

i will remake this thread once it reaches 900 pages.

person one: guesses if the user above is a male
or a female

person two: Female?
person three: Trans?
person four: Fluid?
person four: Male?

And so on…

Have fun!