forum Toss around RP ideas here.
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people_alt 1 follower

Deleted user

I'm bored and we should start an RP. Any ideas for this one?


So it's a dystopia one with elements of Sci-FI and fantasy.
Like there's elves, dwarfs, shapeshifters, etc.
Sometime in the far future, Earth was faced with another Ice Age. The stars couldn't offer asylum, so the top geniuses and scientists all gathered to think of a way to survive the oncoming cold. They came up with the solution to build underground habitats. Cities environments regulated by an effectively programmed AI that was created by lead scientist Juno Moar, one of the most brilliant minds of that century.
The underground cities have cyberpunk vibes and heavily rely on augmented and virtual reality for entertainment.
Fashion is also cyberpunk with neon flair.
The story takes place a couple of centuries or so after the move underground. A reconnaissance team was sent up to the surface to check conditions. They haven't returned, and the people in touch with the AI have been strangely quiet about the whole matter…